
Just a nosey girlfriend


I'm a pregnant fiancé and made this account because he was sick of me stealing his XD just post what I like completely random a bit like myself, if by some chance you find this blog enjoy! :D

Can’t believe I’m going to be a mummy 13 weeks 6 days!

Being told at a young age you can’t have children can be almost soul destroying..

And then one day your leaning over the toilet bowl emptying your guts and your brain says “this is more than a stomach bug”

So you nip to the shop to buy a test being impatient like I am you use the toilets there…

And there’s these two thick pink lines.

I have never been so happy in my life I practically floated home! Me and my fiancé can’t wait to meet our baby… no matter there gender no matter how many fingers or toes they may or may not have we don’t care because this little life is the best thing to ever happen to us!

So far hasn’t been an easy pregnancy u have hypermeisis (or however you spell it!) I’ve been in hospital on a drip and now I’m on tablets to control my sickness I have lost 3kg and starting to regain weight but our little jellybean is healthy and happy in their little home!

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