Hi speaking of medical literacy for trans people, transfems pls check out the website Transfeminine Science, especially their introductory article on feminizing HRT
Non-transfems can reblog this as well btw
@just-mythyk / just-mythyk.tumblr.com
Hi speaking of medical literacy for trans people, transfems pls check out the website Transfeminine Science, especially their introductory article on feminizing HRT
Non-transfems can reblog this as well btw
I've never drawn in the pokemon style, but I had to, no control
love when theres a character whose entire existence is spoiler tagged by default. go behind the curtain boy
i love characters who do the “i worship the myth i make of you” and in turn dehumanize and get wrong the object of their devotion and love. yes project a thing that does not exist onto a pedestal and kneel at it like it is your altar. this will surely not blow up in both of your faces eventually
maybe if i imagine the character all my problems will be solved
Fox siblings playing together.
Photographed by annastelloophotography on instagram
developing your ocs is 50% waiting for bursts of divine inspiration like an oracle sleeping next the vapours seeping from fissures in the temple floor and 50% stalking them in your mind relentlessly like a persistence predator until they tire out enough for you to get close and scamper away with the bloody scraps of "eye colour: brown" and "dislikes: people who think they're funny" clutched in your mouth like a hunting trophy
check out my moon
I feel like when I say ‘relatable’ what I really mean is ‘resonant.’ I don’t want characters who I feel are like me, I want characters who have emotions so strong I can feel them through the page.
I think this is important because a lot of us forget the power of stories to make us feel things about characters who are not like us, who have experienced things that we never will. The purpose of listening to someone else's story should not necessarily be identification, but understanding.
Sound on 🐱😊
I sent you omens and all kinds of signs please respond
i know i got nuked for saying this but it's still on my mind cuz i just can't get over how much i feel about how little of transfem history is preserved.. like transmascs will pass around their little "lesbian dressed as a man" idols from scattered points in history and dig up their entire history to the tune of thousands of notes. i haven't seen a single figure even close to that in transfem circles and part of that is we often dont care to mythologize our ancestors into great men unaffected by the pressures of their time but also because... they aren't there, few historical texts care to remember us. we have like.. marsha and the joke abt temple priestesses and that's it. and it's not like transfem history is completely barren but it is so significantly unkept that we really do have very little in the way of historical transfem figures we can look back on (don't lecture me abt applying modern labels transmascs do this to every lesbian pirate in history and nobody argues with them)
not that i want to do what transmascs do with their history, i've judged that behavior before, how it becomes the creation of a flattened and totalizing mythology that feels more like fandom than actually keeping any kind of trans history in tact. i don't want a transfem pirate from 400 years ago to become blorbo of the week but i do want her story to be kept and accessible. i want transfem history to not be shuffled into a corner that hides its existence and disconnects us from time. part of that is just loss of knowledge, our stories are not kept safe the way others are especially through colonization. most colonized people have their transfems, by whichever name they have for us, erased from their culture by their colonizers. and no i'm not saying that doesn't happen to transmasc history because it definitely has, but again, there's a reason we know about a european transmasc pirate more than we know about any transfem. the degree of loss is what i weep over
218 – 222 – Roman emperor Elagabalus who wore wigs, used female terms for herself, and offered money to any doctor that could give her a pussy
c. 1322 – Kalonymus ben Kalonymus writes a heart wrenching poem for a jewish ethical treatie that you can read here called "becoming a woman"
1347 – Rolandino Roncaglia who was tried for sodemy due to her inability to find women sexually appealing, become a prostitute after his wife's death and according to her clients looked and behaved like a woman
1836 – Mary Jones, a transgender African-American sex worker put on trial for supposedly pickpocketing a client
1876 – Frances Thompson, a former slave, is arrested for being in woman's clothing
1895 – The Countess, a French transgender courtesan and singer, published her autobiography, The Secret Confessions of a Parisian: The Countess
1895 – The Cercle Hermaphroditos, the earliest known transgender organization in the United States, was founded this year where "instinctive female cross-dressers" had a safe place to socialize
1930 – Lili Elbe had recieved one of the first trangender surgeries and an ovary transplant and was a painter who made beautiful works of art like these (L: View from the Garden of Versailles, R:Jardin de Versailles)
As well as being the subject of paintings herself
1931 – In Berlin in 1931, Dora Richter became the first known transgender woman to undergo vaginoplasty.
1931 – Toni Ebel and her partner Charlotte Charlaque, received vaginoplasty and became first transsexed couple.
1950s – Rina Natan becomes the first known transsexual woman in Israel to undergo sex reassignment surgery after trying to perform one herself. She got the law changed from this.
1952 – Christine Jorgensen becomes the first widely publicized person to have undergone sex reassignment surgery, in this case male to female, creating a world-wide sensation.
There's so, SO many more well doccumented trans women if you take a moment to do the research. Their histories only go undoccumented if we forget them.
I ripped pretty much all of these from This Wikipedia article and beg you to read it yourself because there's more trans women that I didn't have the time to add and more details than I can currently list.
this is what i mean!!! thank you for this, cuz we do exist in history and as much as was lost we still hold on to so much and more people should know that!!!!! we exist we exist we exist! i'm gonna cry im rly happy seeing this
For a long time nobody knew what happened to Dora Richter after 1933, but RBB and the German Red Cross managed to get a hold of her trail in 2024 - and not to spoil the ending but she lived to be 74 years old, passing away in a hospital in Allersberg, Bavaria (Germany) in 1966.
German language article by RBB about the research that led to this discovery. Extensively covered by lilielbe2019 on instagram, who also curates a library dedicated to preserving trans history. There are those of us who do the work!
The rhetorical strategies against trans women can be generalized to just a bunch of different implementations of "blame trans women for things that are done to them"
There's fetishisation of trans women arising from their position as marginalized women ending up in survival sex work? actually trans women's fault for being a sex thing
Trans women have their gender presentation policed heavily by gender clinics? How dare trans women reinforce gender stereotypes!
The position of trans women as vulnerable targets of patriarchal violence means they require access to support structures intended to protect women from said violence? This must be a scheme by the violent men actually.
Trans women are hesitant to participate in debates due to the extreme risk of mass harassment at the hands of the audience? Must be censorship. From the trans women.
Trans women rely on healthcare, which is funded by the exploitative structures of capitalism? This is on trans women. nobody else is to blame here.
noticing trends in your own ocs personalities can make you stare at your keyboard like. okay motherfucker take it to the therapist office not the toyhouse profile.
to the anon asking why trans women don't have male privilege.
well. a lot of you are gonna be shocked to hear this one, but it's incredibly clear why not if you listen to trans women's experiences.
trans women have written at length about being sexually victimized, othered, subjected to violence for gender non-conformity, internalizing transmisogynistic cultural norms, being socially excluded and penalized for their failure to be adequate "cis men" and much more. if you are a person who has experienced misogyny but are not a trans woman you really have got to spend a lot of time reading transfeminist writing about this stuff, because your understanding of gender based oppression will always be woefully incomplete if you don't know what a lot of trans women go through and trust them as a reputable source.
here are some texts that i recommend just off the dome
There's also just, you know, the base logic that queer people still suffer from homophobia and transphobia as kids before they even *know* they are queer. That's not exactly controversial. In fact the very fact that presumed straightness and cisness is forced upon everyone to the extent that a person must "come out" as anything else is a clear demonstration that trans women suffer from transmisogyny at every point in their lives. Being told you are not permitted to be yourself, that people like you do not even exist, is a pretty core experience of oppression and mimics what a lot of other groups of oppressed women (for example, lesbians) go through.
I will also clarify that trans men often experience privileges related to transmasculinity before they even come out! People never quite treated me the way they treated cis women, I've written about that before, and while structurally trans men do experience misogyny, their positionality is different in all kinds of subtle ways.
Also to that anon. If trans woman have male privilege why you went to ask a trans MAN about it and not a trans woman? Like i love the work Devon does uplifting trans woman and trans feminine view points, but it shouldn't be your first action when encountering that to go ask a man about it. The fact that many still prefer to listen to trans men over trans women clearly depicts the unprivileged stance trans woman have in which even our expertise on our own experience is shadowed for that of a man.
on a similar note to that 'i think a lot of you guys forget people hate women' post; I think a lot of you guys forget how bad racism truly is and how deeply pervasive and entrenched antiblackness is.
whenever people say "you make everything about race/racism" i just want to say EVERYTHING IS ABOUT RACE/RACISM
the patriarchy, climate change, capitalism, MANY of the major issues we think about are inextricably linked to white supremacy and colonialism. so no you cannot be a racist feminist, you cannot be a climate activist and also be racist, we wont get queer liberation without black liberation. and vice versa. we arent moving from where we are as a society until you guys realize how deeply rooted in Everything racism and antiblackness is.