


Here to (hopefully) post art. Curent status: probably procrastinating
Well hello there! Welcome to my page!
You can call me Lime ^^

Here's where to find my stuff (in tags):

My art tag: limelemonleafart

My posts tag: limelemonleadpost

My OCs (which started off as a TSP AU) :

Half Real AU (HR!AU)

My other OCs (that started off as a Swap tsp au): The Time of Your Life AU (TTOYL!AU)

(i just don't wanna go through every post to change the tags ↑ the lore for these is completely different from the game so I decided to finally tag them as ocs)

Stuff I'm part of: limelemonleaf was here

My other tsp goobers with no plot (for now): tsp dream sketch

MHA OC: taru masako (AO3 link)


Jason told Rene about his death and how it still affects him.

TW: burning body

After Joker escaped from Arkham again Bruce expected to be confronted with the clown soon enough especially with how hidden he's been. Fast-forward investigation Bruce (or anyone in the batfam / the GCPD) finds a body in a wearhouse, tied with cuffs to a support beam, burned to a crisp, with Joker colored clothes (or what remained of them).

A DNA test shows that this is in fact Joker's corpse and now an investigation about who could have done it is in working, mostly because whoever did it didn't leave any traces behind.

Gothamites are celebrating and Jason is right there with them. The only reason he would want the culprit to be found is to meet his new favorite person.

Jason: "I don't think I've been this happy since I was revived!"

Rene: "Really? That's kinda depressing but glad to hear it I guess."

Jason: *jabs them* "Shut up."

Rene: "Hehehe, you saw the body right?"

Jason: "Yeah, burnt to the bone in some places. With gasoline, I think Bat said."

Rene: *shutters* "ugh"

Jason: "Yeah you do not wanna see that. Glad his last moments were painful."

Rene: "Deserved."

Jason: *nods* "I wander what the reason was. With his record it can be anything really."


Rene, who remembers how Jason almost had a breakdown talking about him and how sometimes he can only hear manic laughter and can't sleep without waking up in cold sweat.

Rene, who took one of Jason's gas canisters and he didn't even notice, and when he did he figured he forgot to refill it.

Rene, who kept a close eye on the joker ever since he escaped Arkham to catch him alone and by surprise.

Rene, who's disguise was a black curtain they found and wrapped over themself paired with cheap blue hair extensions to be seen coming out from under the hood in case of any cameras.

Rene, who still feels sick from hearing someone scream in agony and burn alive, even if he deserved it.

Rene, who will still feel sick from smelling anything burning, especially meat, for quite a while from now on.

Rene: "Too many bad jokes?"

Jason: "Pfff– yeah right."

Rene: "I can see it. Dude was never even funny even though he chose to be a clown!"


Mother Goddess

You know when we were little and we thought of our parents like the ultimate power?

I thought about how in a fantasy setting everyone would pray to their mothers (with their mother's name in mind) as a system for praying to the actual goddess of the realm. The mother to all. And you would only pray directly to the goddess if it was a really serious emergency or if you didn't have a mother of your own to pray too.

The prayers with the goddess in mind would reach her directly and faster, and the prayers made with people's individual mothers in mind would be filtered (like wishes of health, of luck, questions, etc).

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