
The Mad Tumblr


I'm Lori. I'm 51, a scientist and a novelist.  You'll find a lot of fannish media, hockey, some sewing, photography, hiking, and personal thoughts.

This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I do kind of want Buck and Tommy to fuck it up before they manage to work it out.

Give me them hooking up but not getting back together immediately. Give me them arguing. Give me them having to put in work. Give me that absolutely unhinged looking two parter involving Tommy.

They got together pretty smoothly and apparently had no issues for six whole months, so let them be a little messy. Let them be a LOT messy, because the other couples got to me.


New music festival lineup drop, so you know what that means! It's time to play:


to be fair I think Lollapalooza usually gets a fair number of local bands, too, that nobody not Chicago-based would be expected to know.


I have to upload this as a video bc you can see her think this in real time

OP you just can't leave out this golden comment


honestly just swap out the green shirt for a tan one. pick up the tan in the skirt's plaid and you're good.


Listen, every spy thriller I've ever seen or read has led me to believe that there are myriad secret organizations dedicated to safeguarding world peace and eliminating tyrants and despots

so where the fuck are they

chop chop


THE PITT 1.11 • 5:00 P.M.


The Pitt really said "fuck toxic masculinity"

Michael Rabinovitch soon to be seen in those "positive masculinity" photosets with Mr. Rogers and Steve Irwin.


This is what Rasputin would've wanted.

I feel like I'm being seduced like one of those fancy rainforest birds

is it working

I have to share this every time I see it.


Just saw a reply to this post saying "yeah but this guy now wears nothing but hip hop gear and is aggressively straight" and...

...my dude.


and let's not forget his most viral video...

And yes. These are all the same guy, edited together. That's Cale's thing. That Rasputin video is a rare solo appearance.

(I follow him on Insta)

Anonymous asked:

Honestly though, f*ck the stock market. Those capitalist sh*ts got what they paid for.

Fascism does not believe in a free market.

yeah but those of us with 401ks are getting screwed in the meanwhile 🥲


Anon, do you imagine that "stockholders" are all rich people with yachts?

Most stockholders are ordinary people. I am a stockholder. Grandmas who live off retirement accounts are stockholders.

Anonymous asked:

"When the show’s cancellation was originally announced, [Shemar] Moore took to Instagram to share his frustrations, saying, “I’m a little bit sad. I’m a lot of bit sad…S.W.A.T. got canceled. It makes no sense. The last two years, we’ve been killing it…We’ve done nothing wrong. We’ve done everything that was asked for. Did you know that I am the only African American male lead on network TV?…S.W.A.T. is the most diverse show on CBS."

This is true. Shemar Moore is the only black man to be No. 1 on the call sheet for any network procedural (not only CBS) since Anthony Anderson was on K-Ville back in 2008.

That don't fucking care. They celebrated lone star's cancelation too because 1, death to Tarlos and 2, Eddie won't be joining the 126.

I have no respect for these people


Manifesting Shemar as the new lead on 9-1-1: Nashville.


Tommy will always be the best love interest for Buck. He teased him but supported him. He showed up for him. He was the only person who consistently called him Evan with no complaint. He loves Buck, he sees a future with him. Wants a future with him. Any other love interest would pale in comparison to what we saw Tommy give Buck and how he made Buck feel.



#he's so tired


If he is not nominated for all the awards for this show there is no justice in the world. He is so, so good in this.

And this show is incredible.


The face-eating panther feast continues.

But seriously, if somebody says this in front of you? Don't point and laugh. Don't say "PATHERS ATE YOUR FACE" or "SERVES YA RIGHT YOU MAGA PIECE OF SHIT" or "BOO FUCKING HOO"

Instead, express sympathy.

Agree with them that yeah, what happened absolutely sucks. And yeah, it appears he maybe lied to get your vote? Politicians lie all the time, and it's a shame he took advantage of you this time.

Remember: deradicalized, ex-cult members are some of the angriest people on earth, and we need that anger. Because we need everybody we can get if we're gonna beat these fascist assholes.

exactly. these people were consistently duped and the moment they stop denying that to themselves, they will want to fight back. not all of these maga weirdos are nazis or white supremacists or culty evangelists. many of them are just low information voters who got tricked by expensive rhetoric that was specifically designed to trick them.


These people ignored January 6. They ignored 34 felonies. They ignored all of his endless lies. They admit that they WANTED TRUMP TO HURT PEOPLE, JUST NOT THEM.

Fuck them. They don't get my sympathy. They don't get my patience, my grace, or my understanding.

They knew EXACTLY what they voted for. Again, they admit that they WANTED TRUMP TO HURT PEOPLE, JUST NOT THEM.

If they regret their vote now, that's just fucking peachy. They get nothing.

I will never forget, and I will never forgive the people who did this to us.


Normally I agree with Wil but...not this time.

Yeah, I agree...on the inside.

But if we want people to leave the Trump cult, there has to be somewhere for them to GO. They need to see the people on the left want to work FOR their benefit, and that they can be part of that effort, too.

If they start to feel like the MAGA side of things isn't for them anymore, but there's nothing else...they'll just go back there.


Every time I see this quote I realize how poor even very smart people are at looking at the long game and at assessing these things in context.

One of my favourite illustrations of this was in a First Aid class. The instructor was a working paramedic. He asked, “Who here knows the stats on CPR? What percentage of people are saved by CPR outside a hospital?”

I happen to know but I’m trying not to be a TOTAL know it all in this class so I wait. And people guess 50% and he says, “Lower,” and 20% and so forth and eventually I sort of half put up my hand and I guess I had The Face because he eventually looked at me and said, “You know, don’t you.”

“My mom’s a doc,” I said. He gave me a “so say it” gesture and I said, “Four to ten percent depending on your sources.”

Everyone else looked surprised and horrified.

And the paramedic said, “We’re gonna talk a bit about some details of those figures* but first I want to talk about just this: when do you do CPR?”

The class dutifully replies: when someone is unconscious, not breathing, and has no pulse.

“What do we call someone who is unconscious, not breathing, and has no pulse?”

The class tries to figure out what the trick question is so I jump over the long pause and say, “A corpse.”

“Right,” says the paramedic. “Someone who isn’t breathing and has no heartbeat is dead. So what I’m telling you is that with this technique you have a 4-10% chance of raising the dead.”

So no, artists did not stop the Vietnam War from happening with the sheer Power of Art. The forces driving that military intervention were huge, had generations of momentum and are actually pretty damn complicated.

But if you think the mass rejection of the war was as meaningless as a soufflé - well.

Try sitting here for ten seconds and imagining where we’d be if the entire intellectual and artistic drive of the culture had been FOR the war. If everyone thought it was a GREAT IDEA.

What the whole world would look like.

Four-to-ten percent means that ninety to ninety-six percent of the time - more than nine times out of ten - CPR will do nothing, but that one time you’ll be in the company of someone worshipped as an incarnate god.

If you think the artists and performers attacking and showing up people like Donald Trump is meaningless try imagining a version of the world wherein they weren’t there.

(*if you’re curious: those stats count EVERY reported case of CPR, while the effectiveness of it is extremely time-related. With those who have had continuous CPR from the SECOND they went down, the number is actually above 80%. It drops hugely every 30 seconds from then on. When you count ALL cases you count cases where the person has already been down several minutes but a bystander still starts CPR, which affects the stats)

That Vonnegut quote brings this particular moment to mind:

Yes, it’s just a pie. Yes, the pie itself doesn’t do much direct damage in the grand scheme of things. But the pie is resistance, and resistance inspires resistance. Resistance inspires survival. Throwing pies sometimes starts a movement. Throwing pies sometimes saves lives.

And of course, we haven’t spoken about the inherent morality of throwing pies at oppressors in a world where oppressors have outlawed pie throwing. At the very least, pie throwing is a reminder to the oppressors that no matter how much money they have, no matter how much power they have, there are still some people, some moments they can’t control.

I’d rather go out throwing pies than just rolling over and accepting that pie throwing isn’t going to solve anything. Yeah, the pie throwing doesn’t immediately solve the problem, but it doesn’t have to because it’s just a starting point. So throw the damn pie.

So throw the damn pie


It's worth noting that since the above pie incident happened, Anita Bryant is NEVER mentioned WITHOUT the pie also being mentioned.


Oh Severence has Dichen Lachman now? You just know it’s going to get significantly more fucked up.

She’s the sci-fi/suspense of “Introduction of Giancarlo Esposito suggests main character now totally fucked”


oh good someone has noticed the Esposito Effect: namely that the minute Giancarlo Esposito shows up, the shit's about to go down.

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