
kill more nazis


Maddie • He/her • 20 • German film student & general dingbat • Anarchist • I mostly post weirdcore aesthetics & my own whimsical shenanigans • Made the 30.000 notes Goncharov short film. It's finished. Go look at my pinned. please
Intro post

Hii I'm Maddie, 20 y.o. film student and general dingbat from Germany. I mostly reblog random aesthetic stuff I like and post random tidbits about my life and the occasional film project 🎃

Likely some flavour of mentally ill, fuck knows, I don't, former alcoholic, punk, second gen immigrant from Russia, bisexual gender creature, pronouns he/her, annoying movie nerd, ✨professional romantic✨ since March 31st, anarchist dating a communist 💕

You may know me as the guy who made the 30.000 notes Goncharov post, so here's the movie in case you were looking for it. Here's the blooper reel and here's a video of the cast reading thirst anons 🍿

You may also know me as the guy who wrote Sarah, here's a link to my epistolary novel about a trans couple in a haunted house in the 1800s. Yes I am working on the sequel, no I am not good at stopping myself from procrastinating 💀

Check out my photography on @green-woodpeckers :] 📸

My YouTube channel is @madphantom, easy to find :] 📽️

Occasionally I draw commissions but it always takes 10.000 years so be prepared for that 🙃

I don't trigger tag anything except flashing (#tw flashing) so if something I reblog makes you uncomfortable you'll prolly see it again. There's occasional boobs on here, be prepared 💘

Ok that's it mwah enjoy my blog 🌻


Hey guys! If you've watched my Goncharov film you might be interested in my friend Bob's film CUT!

CUT is a campy 1980s style slasher movie about a group of film students encountering something... unexpected while shooting a movie in a remote cabin in the woods. It's got everything from references to Shelley Duvall over murder via sound cable to a life-saving condom filled with fake blood.

We shot this movie last year working overtime for over a week and it really payed off, so check it out! It's really worth it!


I follow an editor on Instagram and recently, she made a reel about people questioning how a shot in Adolescence where the camera goes through glass was made, and she was like "......the glass is CGI. It's simple as that. Stop making weird theories." which absolutely cracked me up because like. There's a somewhat similar shot in the last project our Film Factory made, except not only did the director of it CGI a window with some dirt specks on it, he CGI'd THE ENTIRE ROOM INCLUDING A WHOLE ASS MASKED KILLER REFLECTING IN IT. HE BUILT AN ENTIRE DIGITAL ROOM FROM NOTHING. WITH A PERSON IN IT.



My friend, a biology student who has nothing to do with films: Yeah I just come to your movie shoots to annoy you guys. No other reason. I'm not passionate about filmmaking nor am I interested in being actually helpful.

Also her on set: You can't just ask the actors to be louder, you have to level the recorder, what do you think the buttons are for??! What do you mean you don't know what an underboom is?!! The continuity is off!!! What do you mean you're gonna fix that shot in post?!!! You know as well as me that in two weeks, you're gonna be sitting in post production cursing yourself for not just filming the shot properly!!! Augh!!!


Once again losing my shit over the body swap. What do you mean Crowley sees Aziraphale as brave and kind and forgiving to the end. What do you mean Aziraphale sees Crowley as suave and silly and confident. They make me sick.

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