
healed by cuteness and coffee ♥

@nimbusbird / nimbusbird.tumblr.com

Art blog of nimbusbird | they/them | very tired adult | sometimes reblogs other folks' stuff I consider cool

Pre-orders will be open from August 3rd to September 7th, 2019. The zine is 64 Pages in length and contains both written and drawn content of 1-B produced by various creators! 


  • Mp3 - Digital PDF of the Zine
  • 8 Track - Digital PDF and Physical Zine
  • Cassette - Digital and Physical Zine, 1 Random Button (of 2), and 2 Random Stickers (of 3)
  • CD - Digital and Physical Zine, 2 Random Stickers (of 3), 2 Random Charms (of 4), 2 Buttons, and 1 Print
  • Record - (INCLUDES EVERYTHING) Digital and Physical Zine, 3 Stickers, 4 Charms, 2 Buttons, and 1 Print 
  • Stereo Pak - (INCLUDES ALL MERCH) 4 Charms, 3 Stickers, 2 Buttons, and 1 Print 
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