
This Too Shall Pass

@null-skull / null-skull.tumblr.com

formerly AndPoogle | 20+ | she/they | aro/ace -Just a messy blog where I occasionally reblog stuff, feel free to message me! | currently infected with Malevolent brainrot | icon by @astrono77153462

Each time you light your lighter your lighter gets lighter until your lighter gets so light it won't light


listen these are all genetic abominations, but if dog #2 on the first plate came into my life somehow, I would love it like I've loved no other animal


One outlier to the fucked up experiments is the saluki x peke because honestly the peke is already pretty fucked up and the crossbreds are an improvement

They used showdogs for the purebreds btw, to ensure the lines were as contained as possible for the genetic studies.

So the saluki x peke babies were reverse-monsters in that they are less fucked up than one parent but more fucked up than the other

these two are just snakes with fur

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