Every night a beautiful spectre named You've Got Kudos appears and haunts me with the knowledge I should be writing fanfic
Man I love dating sims and visual novels that let me live out my silly little transsexual dreams of being a silly little gay man and romancing other silly little gay men sans gender complications. Then there’s reality.
Timeline is an unofficial 2026 Link Click fan calendar that will feature art from a different artist each month!
Please fill out our interest check: https://forms.gle/WBWzdop22NFQEtzh9
For more info, check out our carrd. Interest check open until 03/12!
Hey so remember that fish-themed omegaverse variant that I was talking about awhile back? Right well I’m working on some OC’s to exemplify the au :3
My lovely fishy couple 🩵🐟
I don’t think we talk nearly enough about the fact that Zuko’s VA is in But I’m a Cheerleader
Kind of annoyed that this random doodle of a fluffy dragon I made in the corner of my syllabus is still one of the coolest things I’ve ever drawn
I should do a full rendering of them. They deserve it.
Super homophobic that I still have homework to do. I wanna draw so baaadd 😭😭😭
Hey so seven seas is doing their monthly survey asking for suggestions for things to license and I’m just SAYING that it would be REALLY COOL if enough people requested the Suemitsu Kenichi’s TRUMP series so we could not only get physical editions of the manga but also the short stories and the new novel as well 👀👀👀
Last night I dreamt that I was reading the TRUMP manga and Sophie and Ul got to face off in the swordplay finals. Sophie won and Ul held out his hand to shake on like a good match or whatever, but instead Sophie grabbed Ul by the collar and pulled him in for a kiss.
Like how the fuck am I supposed to just go about my day now with this rotating in my head _(:‚‹」∠)_
The most powerful trait you can give to a male character is a traditionally female name btw. In case you were wondering.
Same goes for female character with traditionally male names. I would give everything I own + my firstborn son to a woman named Jack
The most powerful trait you can give to a male character is a traditionally female name btw. In case you were wondering.
Oh the curse of being aromantic when you’re also a huge romantic
I work at an aquarium store and we recently got a mantis shrimp in stock and I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel about that.
Like how am I supposed to be all hello, do you need any help with anything :) to customers when God’s unhinged Mary Sue 2010’s Deviantart OC with interdimensional vision and a punch force strong enough to make Thor’s hammer wet its pants is Right There.
[Mantis Shrimp] are known for their club-like appendages, which they use to deliver one of the most powerful strikes in the animal kingdom. These appendages can accelerate up to 23 meters per second (or 50 miles per hour), with the force generated equivalent to that of a bullet fired from a gun…
…Even more astonishing about this punch is that it is powerful enough to break the glass aquariums where they are kept captive. This is because it’s not just the direct impact of the strike that does the damage—the punch is so fast that it causes the surrounding water to vaporize, creating tiny bubbles in a process known as cavitation. When these bubbles collapse, they release a secondary shockwave that is just as devastating as the initial strike.
What is something this OP doing in a store where I work
I work at an aquarium store and we recently got a mantis shrimp in stock and I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel about that.
Like how am I supposed to be all hello, do you need any help with anything :) to customers when God’s unhinged Mary Sue 2010’s Deviantart OC with interdimensional vision and a punch force strong enough to make Thor’s hammer wet its pants is Right There.
Hey what if I designed my own omegaverse variant like cakeverse but based off of fish behaviour. What then.
...not sure if ill regret this but please elaborate
also what specific fish because we can run an INCREDIBLE gamut of behaviours here
Love how there are people on this webbed site who match my freak in this regard.
upon further reflection I realize saying it's based on 'fish behaviour' may have been a bit misleading-- while this was my original idea, upon more research and brainstorming I have decided to base the 'verse on this particular symbiotic triangle, which consists of what our three 'secondary genders' or typeclasses are based on: Fish (using clownfish as primary inspiration), Corals (more technically should be classified as 'polyps' because I'm drawing from corals and sea anemones, but the word 'coral' just sounds better in this context) and Algae (I'm drawing from zooxanthellae as pictured, but I'm still figuring out a more classy-sounding name for them in this 'verse.)
I'll probably make another more ellaborate post with how social structures and different kinds of relationship dynamics work, including illustrations and everything at some point. The simplified version of what I have so far is thus:
Fish are the higher class citizens, somewhat comparable to alphas, and traditionally only mate with each other. They are also territorial are incredibly defensive of wherever and whoever they consider to be home.
All 'fish' are born male, but when two become a pair the more dominant of the two will become the 'female'. This designation will not reverse should they loose their partner: a tragic affair as 'fish' in this 'verse have a penchant for mating for life. Also 'males' aren't typically visibly distinguishable from 'females,' and unless the couple chooses to make it known which is which, typically only the pair are privy to each other's phisiology.
They tend to bond quite young (in their mid to late teens) though this is not a rule. Unlike in the omegaverse, the bonding and subsequent maturation of the female is something that happens naturally in response to the development of a deep connection being formed, and doesn’t need to be triggered by a ritual like a bite. It is because of this that the idea of ‘soulmates’ or ‘fated pairs’ is very popular among fish. When two fish become a pair it is much like your traditional Alpha and Omega pair: only the bonded will react to each other’s reproductive cycles and pheromones.
Corals & Algae:
This relationship dynamic is something I'm still working on but Corals traditionally bond with algae, as irl corals depend on algae as a source of energy. Corals outside of a relationship with an algae in this 'verse tend to be chronically fatigued and have very dull colours. Wether or not corals have access to medical supplements in this universe is up to you. The physical features of Corals like hair and eye colour can change depending on the algae they are in a relationship with. While Algae look very much like what we would consider to be normal-looking people, corals in a healthy relatiohship with an algae can have things like purple or blue or pink hair or eyes. A coral in an unhealthy relationship will have very dull colours and probably come across like anemic ppl do irl. This phenomenon is based on the following information:
"In addition to providing corals with essential nutrients, zooxanthellae are responsible for the unique and beautiful colors of many stony corals. Sometimes when corals become physically stressed, the polyps expel their zooxanthellae and the colony takes on a stark white appearance. This is coral bleaching. If the corals go for too long without the nutrients that zooxanthellae provide, coral bleaching can result in the coral's eventual starvation and death." Source
However healthy corals/polyps are very attractive to fish, so throuples and polycules are very common in this 'verse.
I have some homework I need to be doing so I'll leave it at that for now. I will elaborate on how 'non-traditional' relationship dynamics and polycules work in either another post or a continuation of this one. Stay tuned fellow ocean freaks!
(tagging other ppl who asked me to elaborate: @elpsycongruent @dexdefyingstunts )
hey OP is yoinking this and using it for like. merfolk lore alright this fucking slaps
For right now I’m still laying the groundwork so I would appreciate it if people held off making their own things until I’ve provided more details and guidelines. Of course I don’t expect people to stick to all the details I provide, but I’d like to flesh this out a bit more on my own before people take it and run with it.
I’m creating this universe for people to create in and have fun with, so I’m flattered that people are already feeling inspired! Merfolk also sounds like a perfect use for it too! But for now I’d appreciate it if people waited for me to flesh things out before they try and make it their own.
Also as it is still a new idea, I’d like to be credited once I open this verse for people to use— I would rather people not try and pass this as their own original idea. Also I’d be much more comfortable with people using it for AUs and fanworks than original works for the same reason.
Dude it is SO FUN and EXCITING to see a reoccurring reader. If you've commented a handful of times on an author's work, I guarantee that they recognize you. You can't imagine how many times I've excitedly informed my friends "the person with the funny cat image commented!" "- anon is back!!!!" and the friends've recognized who I was talking about because I talk about my commenters so often LOL. We love you all!!!
Hey what if I designed my own omegaverse variant like cakeverse but based off of fish behaviour. What then.
...not sure if ill regret this but please elaborate
also what specific fish because we can run an INCREDIBLE gamut of behaviours here
Love how there are people on this webbed site who match my freak in this regard.
upon further reflection I realize saying it's based on 'fish behaviour' may have been a bit misleading-- while this was my original idea, upon more research and brainstorming I have decided to base the 'verse on this particular symbiotic triangle, which consists of what our three 'secondary genders' or typeclasses are based on: Fish (using clownfish as primary inspiration), Corals (more technically should be classified as 'polyps' because I'm drawing from corals and sea anemones, but the word 'coral' just sounds better in this context) and Algae (I'm drawing from zooxanthellae as pictured, but I'm still figuring out a more classy-sounding name for them in this 'verse.)
I'll probably make another more ellaborate post with how social structures and different kinds of relationship dynamics work, including illustrations and everything at some point. The simplified version of what I have so far is thus:
Fish are the higher class citizens, somewhat comparable to alphas, and traditionally only mate with each other. They are also territorial are incredibly defensive of wherever and whoever they consider to be home.
All 'fish' are born male, but when two become a pair the more dominant of the two will become the 'female'. This designation will not reverse should they loose their partner: a tragic affair as 'fish' in this 'verse have a penchant for mating for life. Also 'males' aren't typically visibly distinguishable from 'females,' and unless the couple chooses to make it known which is which, typically only the pair are privy to each other's phisiology.
They tend to bond quite young (in their mid to late teens) though this is not a rule. Unlike in the omegaverse, the bonding and subsequent maturation of the female is something that happens naturally in response to the development of a deep connection being formed, and doesn’t need to be triggered by a ritual like a bite. It is because of this that the idea of ‘soulmates’ or ‘fated pairs’ is very popular among fish. When two fish become a pair it is much like your traditional Alpha and Omega pair: only the bonded will react to each other’s reproductive cycles and pheromones.
Corals & Algae:
This relationship dynamic is something I'm still working on but Corals traditionally bond with algae, as irl corals depend on algae as a source of energy. Corals outside of a relationship with an algae in this 'verse tend to be chronically fatigued and have very dull colours. Wether or not corals have access to medical supplements in this universe is up to you. The physical features of Corals like hair and eye colour can change depending on the algae they are in a relationship with. While Algae look very much like what we would consider to be normal-looking people, corals in a healthy relatiohship with an algae can have things like purple or blue or pink hair or eyes. A coral in an unhealthy relationship will have very dull colours and probably come across like anemic ppl do irl. This phenomenon is based on the following information:
"In addition to providing corals with essential nutrients, zooxanthellae are responsible for the unique and beautiful colors of many stony corals. Sometimes when corals become physically stressed, the polyps expel their zooxanthellae and the colony takes on a stark white appearance. This is coral bleaching. If the corals go for too long without the nutrients that zooxanthellae provide, coral bleaching can result in the coral's eventual starvation and death." Source
However healthy corals/polyps are very attractive to fish, so throuples and polycules are very common in this 'verse.
I have some homework I need to be doing so I'll leave it at that for now. I will elaborate on how 'non-traditional' relationship dynamics and polycules work in either another post or a continuation of this one. Stay tuned fellow ocean freaks!
(tagging other ppl who asked me to elaborate: @elpsycongruent @dexdefyingstunts )