Love Island - Sims 4 Edition

@sims4loveisland /

Welcome to Love Island Sims 4 edition a fanmade Sims 4 romance reality "show" using many mods. This blog is not affiliated with partnered with or in any way working or associated with Love Island or the Sims 4. I just wanted a place to keep my screenshots.

Everyone went to bed for the night but no one was comfortable with each other enough to sleep in the same bed yet. So Willka slept outside, Su-A slept outside and, Scott slept on the couch.


After the coupling was over we had a dance party with our host as the dj to get everyone in a happy and flirty mood followed by a game of truth or dare.

Scott was dared to flirt with the hottest girl in the villa so he flirted with Harmony.

Harmony chose truth so she had to admit her top 3 which are Scott, Makaio and, ZaShawn.

Daniella was dared to dance with the most attractive man in the villa so she danced with ZaShawn.

Su-A chose truth so she had to admit who apart from her partner was the most attractive and she said Willka was.

Makaio chose truth so he had to share his top 3 which are Su-A, Harmony and, Elena.

Elena was dared to dance with the most attractive man in the villa so she danced with Willka.

ZaShawn was dared to use his best pick up line on someone other than his partner so he flirted with Elena.

Nolan chose truth so he had to reveal his top 3 he chose Emily, Elena and, he wasn’t sure who the third is yet.

Emily was dared to flirt with someone other than her partner so she flirted with Willka.

Willka chose truth so he had to reveal his top 3 which are Elena, Harmony and, he can’t decide the third yet.

After this everyone got ready for bed.


We were disappointed the girls gave us no drama so we pulled the guys aside this time and asked them what do they think of their partners and which guy do they think is the biggest threat

“I think Daniella is a lovely girl. I think my biggest rival will be Makaio but he seems like a chill dude so I think we’ll be friends.”

“Harmony is gorgeous but, I can’t compete with a guy like Willka and of course it’s only fair to let them talk to each other if they want to.” - Scott

“Elena is not at all the kind of girl I was expecting to find in the villa but she is my type completely. I don’t think anyone here is a threat we all came here to find love and I’d be glad to help Elena find her’s even if it doesn’t work out with me.”

“She’s very friendly but I can tell she’s quite reserved already. I hope I can get to know Su-A better. I don’t see this as a competition so I don’t think anyone is a ‘threat’ to my chances of finding my soul mate.” - Makaio

“Emily is a total bombshell I was hoping to find a woman like her when I signed up. I think my biggest threat is Willka and Scott they’re both very attractive men and I feel like if their personalities are great too most girls will want to be with them. I’m not worried about it though.” - Nolan


Our last man to enter the villa for the day is Makaio a professional artist from Sulani. The only girl who stepped forward was Su-A and he picked her.

We asked them why they picked each other.

“He seems very artistic and I get along well with creative people.” - Su-A

“Fate chose for us to be together and I want to see where this goes.” - Makaio

Is their couple name Su-aio or Mak-A you decide


The fourth guy to enter the villa is Nolan a travel blogger from Willow Creek. The only girl to step forward for him was Emily and he chose her too.

We asked them why they chose each other.

“He’s totally my type I love red heads.” - Emily

“She’s a 10/10 she looks like a living Barbie doll or something it’s insane.” - Nolan

Is their couple name Emlan or Noily you decide


Our third male islander is ZaShawn from San Myshuno an indie game developer who made popular games like “Over There Story” and “Dog Simulator″ not like anyone here would know what those are I’m sure. Daniella was the only person to step forward and he decided to pick her too.

We asked them why they picked each other.

“He’s so hot! I love his tattoos I don’t know what it means though.” - Daniella

“She’s gorgeous.” - ZaShawn

Is their couple name DanShawn or Zaella you decide


Welcome our next islander Willka a professional guitarist from Oasis Springs. Every single woman stepped forward for him. Despite the seemingly hard choice he quickly picked Elena.

We asked them why they picked each other.

“He’s so hot that’s such a dumb question.” - Elena

“She’s my exact type on paper. Being a guitarist most of my girlfriends have had a similar aesthetic I love that style on a woman it looks so sexy.” - Willka

Is their couple name Eleka or Willena you decide


Our host Rebekah Love has entered the villa to tell the girls it is time to line up and wait for our first male islander to is Scott McCain? What is he doing here isn’t he on the Brindleton Bay olympic swim team??? Oh I see he has a minor injury and decided to do this on his time off. The girls who were interested in him stepped forward and he picked Harmony.

We asked them why they picked each other.

“He’s my type.” - Harmony

“Harmony is the most beautiful girl there I’d be an idiot to not pick her. Of course the other girls are stunning too but as soon as I saw the orange I knew she was the right choice it’s my favorite color too.” - Scott

Making our first official couple Harmony and Scott. Is their couple name Scomony or Harmott? You decide.


To stir up drama we set the girls aside for a confessional before the boys arrived to ask them what they really think of the other girls and who they saw as a threat.

“I really like all the girls! I couldn’t see any of them as threats I hope we can all be friends from this. I think all the guys will love me too but, I feel like Harmony will also be popular.” - Daniella

Emily was stunned for a moment then said “You’re really asking me to compare myself to a former K-Pop idol? I’m not doing that. Girls support girls their friendship is more important to me than that. I think they’re all cool but Su-A and Elena intimidate me a little bit.”

Su-A politely smiled at us and said “They’re all lovely. I hope we can all be friends and find love during this journey.” K-Pop media training has made her very boring it seems.

Harmony said “They’re all gorgeous! I can’t wait to get to know each of them.”

Elena laughed hysterically before answering us by simply saying “No I’m not taking part of that sexist sh**. Can I go to the pool yet?” Before walking out.


Wait a you see that rouge Hot Topic employee what is she doing here? Oh that’s a contestant this year? On Love Island? I’ve really seen it all. Let me take a closer look at this script. Welcome Elena Crowe is this a prank? ...Even her name sounds like one of my OCs I made as a tween. She’s an art student from Newcrest. Despite her rather dreary exterior she’s quite a talker instantly joining in to gossip with the girls about what kind of guys they think will join them.


Next islander to enter the villa is Harmony a SimsTuber from San Myshuno she was so excited to be here she was dancing on the beach. She instantly became friends with all the girls and they all talked about their biggest turn offs...and by all we mean Daniella talked over everyone else mostly. Emily and Su-A were used to it by this point but Harmony didn’t even notice and had a normal conversation. Daniella finally met her match with Harmony they were both talking so fast even the captions couldn’t keep up.


Episode 1 - Part 2

The next islander to enter the villa is former K-Pop star turned medical student Su-A Santos! (You do not know how much money we spent to get the rights to her group’s music for her intro). Su-A is fairly new to the dating game only really starting to date the past year after she graduated from her former group. She has dreams of finding her true love like in her favorite telenovelas and k-dramas...surrounded by beautiful people and with lots of back stabbing. Just kidding we aren’t sure what she likes she was too embarrassed to tell us what her type was. She got along well with Emily and Daniella their conversation was boring just talking about their favorite drinks. Emily is a secret fan girl and Daniella is clueless she’s in the presence of a celebrity.


Episode 1 - Part 1

The first islander to enter the villa was Daniella the ballerina from San Myshuno followed soon after by Emily from Brindleton Bay. The girls got along well and drank lemonade together to celebrate entering the villa. They talked about their ideal type Daniella wants a tall, handsome, muscular man Emily isn’t as picky she just wants someone who doesn’t bore her. Daniella said in confessionals that she usually never talks to girls like Emily but, she hopes they can be friends. Emily said that Daniella is a bit snobbish but she seems interesting.


Say hello to our first male islanders! From top left to bottom right: Scott McCain, Willka King, ZaShawn McKenzie, Nolan Thomson and, Makaio Kekoa. Check out their profiles here!


Welcome our first group of islander women! From top left to bottom right Daniella Levi, Su-A Santos, Emily Frost, Harmony Miller, Elena Crowe. Go to their profiles here to read more about them! All sims were made by me I use a bunch of cc so I can’t list it all sadly.


Welcome our host...

Name: Rebekah Love

Age: Young Adult(will not give exact age)

Traits: Optimistic, Brilliant, Captivating, Soft, Good

Aspiration: Beach Life

Rebekah is a simfluencer turned tv show host. She loves cheesy romance movies, animals, fashion and, everything pop culture. She has tried everything from being a conservationist in Mua Pel’am to DJing in Windenberg. When her agent told her about this opportunity she knew it was the perfect role for her. When she is not secretly shipping the contestants and posting for the official account(we ran out of funding) she can be found chilling on the beaches of Sulani until it is time for her to work.

Note: This is a version of my simself I made myself but if I was thinner, tanner, blonde and slightly taller since I noticed hosts of these shows all look similar. She is me but more “perfect” and extroverted lol. I have set her to not have any romantic options available to her to avoid any accidental autonomous flirting. Also yes I did change her nose I took the first and last photo days earlier and I didn’t realize I messed up in CAS and made it super wide way more than mine actually is so just imagine she had a nose job or something idk lol


Welcome to Love Island a private island located in the region of Sulani in the tropical paradise Mua Pel’am. This 50x50 sized villa is everyone’s dream vacation long as you don’t mind sharing a bed with someone you just met. We had to cut corners somewhere and the bed rooms were an after thought we needed space for the giant outdoor kitchen after all we have priorities. Here the islanders will spend the next 56 days with one goal - finding true least that’s what we hope.

Some joined for the free vacation, some are here for the $1,000,000 cash prize that they can keep for themselves or split with their partner at the end, others are here to get some sweet sweet air time on tv to jump start their careers. It is up to you the public to help us determine who can actually find love here by voting for dates, giving us inspiration for games to get to know the islanders better, voting to save the couples you like the most and voting out your least favorite islander when the moment is right.

Original Build by Billiorki but heavily edited by me since I don’t own all the packs and use CC lol

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