



Between this and President Trump’s call for a new crime bill that would further insulate police from liability, accountability and charges of official misconduct, we could be entering a new era of police brutality, lawlessness and the reckless deployment of lethal force on unarmed civilians.



We recently sat down with Alexandra from "Just The Inserts" to discuss SSRIs and the link between mass shooters and Big Pharma. She raises a powerful point—any pill that drives people toward suicidal thoughts or a fixation on death has no place on the market.



The fiat currency system is sinking. If you haven’t invested in crypto or precious metals yet, it’s time to put on a life vest—big changes are coming and a shift is imminent!



We asked our guest this week what the catalyst was that inspired her to create her wildly popular Instagram account "Just the inserts" and her answer might surprise you! Tune in to hear her story behind the account that’s empowering people with transparent, accessible medical information.



🎙 NEW PODCAST ~ Jason and Matt sit down with Just The Inserts founder Alexandra for a hard-hitting discussion on informed consent, Big Pharma propaganda, and the dangerous reality behind the medications millions rely on—yet rarely question.



Recent wildfires in the U.S. and Canada occurred at just 23% of the rate expected based on historical records dating back to the 17th century, challenging claims of climate change fueling the fires.



The brilliant Sam Tripoli nails it! We can’t rely on politicians or political solutions. Saving ourselves is the only way forward, and those who say so aren’t the enemy—they’re the truth tellers we need.


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