Picture-perfect Bed & Breakfast in Dennison, Texas
📸: lambertcottage
@victorianhouses / victorianhouses.tumblr.com
Picture-perfect Bed & Breakfast in Dennison, Texas
📸: lambertcottage
Rutland, Vermont
built in 1870
Saint Albans City, Vermont
built in 1883
1890 Victorian in Wheaton, Illinois, USA
Dr. Carleton Smith house
Oak Park, Illinois
built in 1899
Elgin, Illinois
built in 1886
For more like this visit https://blog2collectionsanfavs.tumblr.com/
Now that Halloween is just around the corner, would love to see this beauty all dressed up! It's located in Kennebunk, Maine.
Photo: jackiegreaney | Instagram
Belvidere, New Jersey
built in 1852
Tacoma, Washington. (December 2020)
Beautiful historic 1893 Queen Anne in Green Bay, Wisconsin. It’s on the National Register and for sale for $264,900. That’s not bad, if you’re looking for an older home.