2008 Press Releases
UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy and Professor Roger Whatmore, CEO, Tyndall National Institute, welcomed a delegation from Taiwan to UCC on Monday, September 29th 2008.
Led by the Taipei Representative to Ireland, Mr David Nan-Yang Lee, the delegation also included the Mr Alex Lee, Taipei Representative's Office, Mr Chang-tze Hu, Director of the Division of Science & Technology, National Council of Taiwan and Professor Falin Chen, Professor of Institute of Applied Mechanics of National Taiwan University.
The delegation visited the Tyndall National Institute to view the Nanotechnology, Photonics and Silicon Fabrication Facilities. Accompanied by Mr Noel O'Flynn, TD and Mr John Perry, TD and Chairman of Taiwan/Ireland Oireachtas Friendship Group, the delegation was also presented with an overview of Tyndall's Postgraduate Education programme by Dr Jim Greer.
On the occasion of their visit to UCC, Dr Michael Murphy, President announced a reciprocal exchange of scholarships between Tyndall/UCC and Taipei University. "This scholarship marks the beginning of further academic, student and research exchanges between Tyndall/UCC and Taiwan University", said Dr Murphy.
The delegation completed their visit with a tour of the Hydraulics & Maritime Research Centre, hosted by Dr Tony Lewis.
Pictured in the President’s Office, UCC were: Standing: Mr Noel O Flynn, TD, Mrs Lee, Mr John Perry, TD. Front Row: Professor Falin Chen, Professor of Institute of Applied Mechanics, National Taiwan University, Dr Michael Murphy, President, University College Cork, Mr David Nan-Yang Lee, Taipei Representative to Ireland and Professor Roger Whatmore CEO, Tyndall Institute.