Non-discrimination statement

In keeping with its long-standing traditions and policies, the University of Chicago considers students, employees, applicants for admission or employment, and those seeking access to University programs on the basis of individual merit.  The University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, national or ethnic origin, shared ancestry, age, status as an individual with a disability, protected military or veteran status, genetic information, or other protected classes under the law.[1]

Sexual harassment, is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX, which provides that: No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participationin, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educationalprogram or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. The University prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, as required by Title IX, including in admission and employment. Inquiries about Title IX may be referred to the University’s Title IX Coordinator, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, or both. 

To report information about conduct that may constitute discrimination, unlawful harassment, retaliation or sexual misconduct or make a complaint under the University’s non-discrimination policies, please refer to the CARES website or the other reporting options described in the Policy on Title IX Sexual Harassment, the Policy on Harassment, Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct and/or the Policy on Consensual Relationships.

The University official responsible for coordinating compliance with this Notice of Nondiscrimination is Bridget Collier, Associate Provost for Equal Opportunity Programs, who also serves as the University’s Title IX Coordinator, Affirmative Action Officer, and Section 504/ADA Coordinator and coordinates compliance with federal, state and local regulations governing non-discrimination, including Title VI, Title VII, Title IX and VAWA. You may contact her by emailing [email protected], calling 773.702.5671, or writing to Bridget Collier, Office of the Provost, The University of Chicago, 6030 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL 60637. 

For information regarding the University of Chicago’s non-discrimination policies, reporting and related resolution processes, please see:


Policy on Harassment, Discrimination, and Sexual Misconduct


Policy on Title IX Sexual Harassment


Policy on Consensual Relationships


[1] This Policy is consistent with federal, state, and local regulations governing non- discrimination and harassment including: the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (as amended), the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1991, Executive Order 11246, the Equal Pay Act of 1963, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (as amended), Title  IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, the Illinois Human Rights Act, the City of Chicago Human Rights Ordinance, and the Cook County Human Rights Ordinance.

Last updated September 26, 2024

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