There are several ways of contacting the editorial team here at UFO Insight. If you have a question regarding our website, the quickest way of contacting us is via email.
You can contact the editors of UFO Insight via email. Feel free to send your stories, conspiracy theories or any other correspondence here. Members of the media and press may also send general non time-sensitive inquiries here. Somebody will get back to you as soon as possible.
The editor’s email address is: [email protected]
Telephone (Media Only)
Members of the media may contact us via telephone and be directed to one of our editors. Telephone enquiries are strictly for media use only. Most of our editors are located in the United Kingdom and can usually be reached 9AM-6PM GMT, Monday – Sunday.
We are not always available to take calls so please leave a voice message if there is no answer at the time of your call and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Our telephone number is based in California, USA as most of our media contacts reside there. However, you will be routed without any additional fee to our editors.
The number is: +1-213-417-0100
Social Media
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