UCCH supportive care offers
Cancer can be a considerable psychological burden for those affected and their relatives. Worries and fears can be very pressing - but talking about them openly with others often seems difficult. This is where professional support from experts can be very helpful for everyone involved. That is why we offer psychological help through our psycho-oncology department, which is tailored to the special situation of patients and their relatives. At the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf, we are happy to be at your service: both during inpatient treatment (so-called consultation and liaison service) and during outpatient treatment, in day clinics and in aftercare (even if you are no longer a patient at the UKE). Our team of specially trained psychologists offers you consultations, as well as regular group sessions and counselling for couples and families.
You are free to decide whether and at what point during your treatment you wish to take advantage of these services. If you are a patient at the UKE, please contact us via your treatment team. If you are no longer a UKE patient, please call the telephone number of the special outpatient clinic for psycho-oncology directly (see link).
Further information can be found here: Specialised outpatient clinic for psycho-oncology
Counseling for children of parents with cancer (COSIP)
Dear parents,
Are you or your partner suffering from a serious, perhaps even life-threatening cancer and have underage children? Perhaps you sometimes wonder how you can respond appropriately to your child in this situation.
You may be unsure whether, when and what you can say to the children and how, and what they will understand. What words do they understand, how much truth can they take? Or you may have already tried to talk to them and are surprised that your child asks few questions or reacts with anger when it comes to your illness or that of your partner. From our experience, we know that these and many other questions arise for parents.
We have therefore developed a counseling service for families with children - from infancy to adolescence - in which one parent has cancer. The aim of our work is to provide preventative support for mothers, fathers and relatives. We try to discuss the situation and any difficulties that may arise with you and develop ideas on how you can proceed as a family. This can involve all questions relating to the effects of the physical illness on relationships with the children and their development. We would like to help you to talk to each other as a family: about the illness, about your wishes, fears and questions, about what is important to you.
This service is aimed at cancer patients in the inpatient area in the form of the so-called consultation service (COSIP consultation service). For further support in the outpatient area, the Cancer Counseling Service for Families at the UKE is available.
Music therapy
"Making life sound"
Living with cancer brings with it a wide variety of thoughts, feelings and moods. It is often difficult to understand these and to find your way through them. Music therapy offers various ways to perceive, express and better understand oneself with the help of music.
Music therapy is mainly offered as individual therapy. However, groups also take place regularly. No musical knowledge is necessary.
Further information can be found here: Specialised outpatient clinic for psycho-oncology
Art therapy
The diagnosis cancer always means a severe cut in the life of the person affected and is, like almost no other disease, so often correlated with fears and burdening feelings. The art therapy supports you in finding ways of dealing with your disease. You can develop an inner stability, which allows you a more active handling with your situation.
There are multiple expression possibilities for doing so: you can draw, paint with colors or work with clay – whatever it is that fits to your individual situation and needs. Under the leading of a qualified art therapist the Hubertus Wald Tumor Center – University Cancer Center Hamburg offers a weekly supportive art therapy.
Before the start of the art therapy session, a preliminary discussion takes place in which your personal goals and expectations are discussed, among other things. A separate appointment is required for this, for which the therapist will contact you.
Further information can be found here: Specialised outpatient clinic for psycho-oncology
Social services: psychosocial and social counselling
The diagnosis cancer often means a far-reaching change for your work and private life, a need to rethink about future goals and life planning and also a new situation for your social surrounding.
There is a lot of information to process and significant decisions to make. A problem often occurring is the chaos of responsibilities and processes related with public authorities and institutions as well as the limits of social law, e.g. with occupational reintegration and services for early detection and care paid by public insurances.
In such a burdening situation we, the UCCH, offer you psychosocial support and social law consultancy through our social counseling. Our goal is to jointly make necessary decisions, develop supportive strategies and put these in practice relating to your disease status, social and job-related situation. If you wish, we consult you joint by your relatives or another trust person.
We will consult you in the following topics:
- Connection to advisory offices and self-help groups
- Matters with public authorities, institutions and cost payers
- Matters concerning severe handicapping, work places and occupational reintegration
- Salary replacements: sickness pay, unemployment benefits (Hartz IV), disability pension benefit, social aid
- Medical rehabilitation
- Outpatient palliative care and hospice
- Nursing and care services in the event of imminent or existing need for care
- Matters with authorities, facilities, cost bearers
- Connection to additional advice centres and self-help groups
Making an appointment
Outpatient social counselling at UCCH complements outpatient medical and therapeutic care and can generally be booked by yourself or by your registered doctor and / or therapist.
To make an appointment, please contact the Central Contact Centre using the contact form.
Further information can be found on the Social Services website:
Sports and physical activity
Healthier living through physical activity
There is a big offer of sports and movement programs for prevention as supportive therapy and for the time after a cancer therapy at the Hubertus Wald Tumor Center – University Cancer Center Hamburg.
The prevention programs are designed for people who want to decrease their cancer risk by a healthier life style. In the framework of aftercare there is a multifaceted and individually constructed training program under professional supervision for patients after a curative chemotherapy, but also for patients in curative/palliative disease situation under current chemotherapy respectively therapy-free intervals.
To find the individually functioning program for you, all activities are coordinated by a sports scientist, who will talk to you about your needs and wishes in advance.
Our goal is, that each patient, relative and interested person at the UCCH can participate in different sports activities. Moreover, we make scientific studies investigating the influence of physical activity and targeted training programs for certain cancer diseases.
A high number of oncological patients already participated in these programs and after a short time it already could be shown, that patients are benefiting from the training options and the correlated possibilities of getting to know other patients.
Further information about the UCCH physical activity programs