Pre-Primary - Level 5

Pre-Primary - Level 5

The Preparatory Dance Program utilizes the American Ballet Theatre National Training Curriculum, which combines solid technical and artistic training, dancer health, and principles of child development. The program consists of ABT Curriculum levels Pre-Primary (Ages 3-4), Primary (Ages 5-7) and Levels 1-5 (Ages 8 and Above).

Character steps, such as the Mazurka and Polka, are taught in the ABT Curriculum as well as age appropriate strengthening and stretching exercises. Men’s Technique and Pre-Pointe or Pointe exercises are added at Levels 1-5. A Young Boys class is also offered for Primary C and Level 1 students.  After the completion of Level 5, dancers entering high school are eligible to audition for the UNCSA High School Program or be considered for the Preparatory Dance Advanced Training Program.

Preparatory Dance ballet faculty are certified in the American Ballet Theatre National Training Curriculum. Classical ballet vocabulary is developed progressively through the ABT Curriculum with an emphasis on sound body alignment, musicality, coordination and attention to dynamic detail.

Rounding out the Preparatory Dance Program curriculum is Contemporary, Jazz, African Dance, and Performance Ensemble to build versatile, well-rounded dancers.


Students turning age 3-7 by the first day of fall semester classes are not required to audition. Please register for your dancer’s class by age.

Registration  (opens in new tab)

All students who will be 8 and older by the start of fall semester classes must audition to be considered for entry and level placement. Experience is not required for Level 1 classes.

Upcoming Auditions

Outside of audition dates, please contact Monica Stephenson, Director of Preparatory Dance, at prepdance@uncsa to schedule an in-class audition.

Register for an Audition

To register for the audition, please click the link below, select Preparatory Dance from the program menu, choose the applicable program level, select the audition date, and pay the audition fee. Parking information and studio location will be emailed a few days before the audition date. Please contact with any questions.

Register for An AuditioN (opens in new tab)


Ages 3-4
Ages 5-7
Level One
Levels 1A and 1B
Ages 8-10
Level Two
Level 2
Ages 9-11
Level Three
Level 3
Ages 10-12
Level Four
Level 4
Ages 11-13
Level Five
Level 5
Ages 12-14