Casey Allen
Casey T. Allen is a native of Utah who graduated from Utah State University with a Bachelor's degree in English in 2007. He has worked in many capacities throughout USU campus and enjoys his time at UPR to continually exercise his writing.
Overall, I was happy with the Oscars ceremony. It reminded me of the many reasons why I love movies.
What makes "Flow" so pleasantly different is not just its plain naturalism and quiet storytelling style but also its digital look
Featuring an unprepared staff who throw together live news coverage without the luxury of smartphones or the internet this film reminds viewers of the importance of information in its most accurate and respectful forms possible.
I know I don't say this a lot, but please put this film on your watch list. It will stay with you long after its hopeful conclusion.
When the closing credits were playing, and my friend and I were chatting about this film in the murky theater, she said, "I think I'm dumber after watching that."
You know that feeling of lightness and joy you get after watching a film or TV episode that helps you feel better? That's exactly what happened with me after watching this.
This director has created similar treatments with his past biopics, Jackie (2016) and Spencer (2021) making Maria the third entry in this accidental trilogy of famous, glamorous, 20th century women.
This version of Nosferatu is clearly a triumph of cinematic technology. The acting and dialogue are a different matter.
Blitz tries to be a somber portrait of resilience in wartime, but its portrait is shown through such a rosy lens I started thinking this was produced by a room of executives for the Hallmark Movie Channel.
Not only is this film an honest look at Black American identity in the 20th century, it's a beacon for every family's heritage (both good and bad). That heritage is important, because it's inevitably part of your life today.