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Beginning July 2019, SAH Archipedia is now open access

(See below for explanation of pricing tiers)

American History Collection

American Founding Era
Adams Papers$3,498$2,624$1,819$700
Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution$3,002$2,251$1,561$600
Documentary History of the First Federal Congress$4,745$3,558$2,467$940
Hamilton Papers$4,528$3,396$2,354$906
Jay Papers$867$650$450$173
Jefferson Papers$6,816$5,112$3,544$1,363
Dolley Madison Digital Edition$895$670$395$295
James Madison Papers$4,552$3,414$2,367$910
John Marshall Papers$1,577$1,183$820$315
James Monroe Papers$1,812$1,359$942$362
Gouverneur Morris Diaries$679$510$353$136
People of the Founding Era$3,100$2,325$1,612$620
Pinckney–Horry Papers

Included with purchase of the Pinckney Statesmen Papers (below)

Pinckney Statesmen Papers$1,300$975$676$260
Rush Letters$450$338$235$90
Washington Papers$8,301$6,226$4,316$1,660
Antebellum, Civil War, and Reconstruction
Grant Papers$4,200$3,150$2,184$840
Andrew Jackson Papers$1,329$997$691$266
Andrew Johnson Papers$2,866$2,150$1,490$573
Frederick Law Olmsted PapersOpen Access
Correspondence of James K. Polk$2,304$1,728$1,198$460
Daniel Webster Papers$2,460$1,845$1,280$492
American Century
Presidential Recordings Digital Edition$3,697$2,773$1,922$739
Booker T. Washington Papers$2,146$1,609$1,115$429
Woodrow Wilson Papers$10,500$7,875$5,460$2,100

Pricing tiers for the American History Collection are based on Carnegie classifications:

Tier 4:Research Universities (very high research activity)
Tier 3:Research Universities (high research activity); Doctoral/Research Universities; Master’s L institutions (large programs)
Tier 2:Master’s M and Master’s S universities and colleges (medium and small programs); Special Focus institutions – Schools of Law; Baccalaureate – Arts & Sciences colleges
Tier 1:Baccalaureate General colleges; Baccalaureate/Associates institutions; Research institutions with 50 or more FTE (full-time employees). Also includes individual subscriptions.

Discounts: Customers acquiring two or more titles in the American Founding Era collection will receive a discount of 10 percent on total purchase price. Customers acquiring the complete collection will receive a discount of 20 percent. Additional discounts are available for customers who have purchased the print edition corresponding to a title.

Literature and Culture Collection

The Letters of Matthew Arnold$840$520$420
Clotel, by William Wells Brown$545$375$275
Emily Dickinson’s Correspondences$295$221$148
The Digital Temple: George Herbert’s Verse$695$430$347 / 138*
Herman Melville’s Typee$545$375$275
The Letters of Christina Rossetti$560$325$270
Journal of Emily Shore

Open Access

* $347 for institutions, $138 for individual (password-access) Digital Temple purchasers

Pricing tiers:

Tier 3:Doctoral research institutions, ARL-member public libraries
Tier 2:Master’s I and II institutions, Baccalaureate, and Bac/Assoc institutions
Tier 1:Associates institutions, high schools, individuals
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