
Your second ultrasound: a quick guide

By now it’s probably a bit more obvious that there’s a little someone catching a free ride in your belly. So what’s going on in there? And what can you tell from your second scan?


How it works

Your second scan will probably feel a lot more relaxed than your earlier scan (you’ve done this before!), but equally as exciting.


Just like the first time around, your sonographer will begin by getting you to lie down and placing water-soluble gel on your belly. They’ll then run the transmitter across your abdomen and you’ll get a sneak peek of your baby.


What are we looking at?

An ultrasound might not be quite as clear as a photograph, but there’s still a lot to be seen. Much like your first scan, your sonographer will be checking on your baby’s health and growth by monitoring their heart rate and rhythm, position and anatomy.

In addition to your baby’s heart rate and anatomy, the sonographer will also check on things like the amount of amniotic fluid in your uterus, the position of the placenta and your baby’s movement.


What now?

Unless you’re specifically asked to have more scans, this will be your final scan. The next time you set eyes on your little one will be in person. It’s now just a little under 20 weeks away! But who’s counting, right?