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USD 273 Beloit



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Staff List / BES


Last Name First Name Grade/Subject/Position Email
Adams Connie 2nd Grade Teacher [email protected]
Adams Cris Technology Teacher [email protected]
Andreasen Autumn KDG Teacher Aide

[email protected]

Barrett Cindy Para IRC K-2

[email protected]

Baxa Molly 4th Grade Teacher [email protected]
Bogner Kendall Para IRC K-2 

[email protected]

Bonebrake Brenda Teacher Aide

[email protected]

Bonebrake Kayla 5th Grade Teacher [email protected]
Bourbon Melanie Kindergarten Teacher [email protected]
Brown Eva Custodian

[email protected]

Brown Melissa Title 1 [email protected]
Burks Haley 2nd Grade Teacher [email protected]
Cashatt Madison ECH Para

[email protected]

Conn Donna Librarian [email protected]
Deneke Linda Teaching Assistant

[email protected]

Drake Alexis IRC 5-6 Para  
Easter Lynne IRC K-2 Teacher [email protected]
Eilert Kiley Para IRC K-2

[email protected]

Elam David Custodian

[email protected]

Eilert Jennifer Social Worker [email protected]
Ellenz Rachel School Psychologist [email protected]
Ernst Ali Preschool Teacher [email protected]
Feldmann Lynn Secretary / Bookkeeper [email protected]
Fincham Albert 6th Grade Teacher [email protected]
Follis Courtney 5th Grade Teacher [email protected]
Friess Joelle ECH [email protected]
Fugate Samantha BES Teaching Assistant  
Gober Dedra Art [email protected]
Goddard Paige 5th Grade Teacher

[email protected]

Goodaker Jessi Para IRC K-2

[email protected]

Gorham Zoe Para IRC 3-4  
Grabon Susan Speech [email protected]
Green Charle 3 yr Old PK Teacher - PM [email protected]
Hayden Dee Para IRC 3-4

[email protected]

Henke Christina 1st Grade Teacher [email protected]
Herndon Kirsten 3rd Grade Teacher [email protected]
Housh Sandy Para IRC K-2

[email protected]

Ingram Eric Technology Director [email protected]
Ingram Leah ECH Para

[email protected]

Isbell Jenny Nurse [email protected]
Jones Jessie 1st Grade Teacher [email protected]
Lienberger Brittany 2nd Grade Teacher [email protected]
Logan Kayla KDG Aide

[email protected]

Loomis Kara ELL/At-Risk [email protected]
Lowry Garry Assistant Principal [email protected]
Matter Heather Secretary

[email protected]

McKain Erin IRC 5-6 Para  
McMains Julia Orchestra Teacher

[email protected]

McMillan Brock P.E. [email protected]
McMillan Jennifer Preschool Aide

[email protected]

McMillan Megan 3rd Grade Teacher [email protected]
Palen Anne Title 1 [email protected]
Palen Haley 3rd Grade Teacher [email protected]
Palen Rodney Director of Maintenance and Buildings [email protected]
Patton Cassidy KDG Aide

[email protected]

Perez Mas Dainier Custodian  
Perez Hannah 4 Year Old Preschool Teacher [email protected]
Pierson Jayne Vocal Music [email protected]
Porter Janet Principal [email protected]
Pruitt Tara 4th Grade Teacher [email protected]
Remus Shauna 4th Grade Teacher [email protected]
Rexroat Hiedi Social Worker [email protected]
Rolph Eileen IRC 5-6 Teacher

[email protected]

Rubey Anna 6th Grade Teacher

[email protected]

Sahlfeld Summer Library/Tech Aide [email protected]
Seyfert Amanda Kindergarten Teacher [email protected]
Sharp Mindy Para IRC 3-4  
Thiessen Amanda Title 1 [email protected]
Thiessen Maddie Teacher Aide Pre-K 3yr

[email protected]

Tholstrup Alexis First Grade Teacher [email protected]
Travis Tracy Title 1 [email protected]
Treaster Brad IRC 3-4 Teacher [email protected]
Treaster Kelsey Preschool Aide

[email protected]

Vetter Kristi Band [email protected]
Wallace Savannah 6th Grade Teacher [email protected]
Weidenhaft Tegan Kindergarten Teacher [email protected]
Wessling Audrey Speech [email protected]