Thank You for Coming!
Thanks to those of you who joined us in Santa Ana Pueblo, NM, for HotOS XIV. As part of our commitment to open access, the papers and slides from HotOS XIV are free and openly accessible via the Technical Sessions Web page. The conference reports from ;login: are now online.
Conference Organizers
Program Chair
Petros Maniatis, Intel Labs
Program Committee
George Candea, EPFL
Peter Druschel, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS)
Alexandra Fedorova, Simon Fraser University
Michael J. Freedman, Princeton University
Roxana Geambasu, Columbia University
Steve Gribble, University of Washington
Jinyang Li, New York University
Jacob R. Lorch, Microsoft Research
Alex C. Snoeren, University of California, San Diego
Doug Terry, Microsoft Research
Michael Walfish, The University of Texas at Austin
Andrew Warfield, University of British Columbia
John Wilkes, Google
Steering Committee
Armando Fox, University of California, Berkeley
Casey Henderson, USENIX Association
Margo Seltzer, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Oracle
Matt Welsh, Google