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Stay up-to-date with the latest earth science news from the USGS by subscribing to our newsletters!

3DEP Lidar Base Spec News3D Elevation Program lidar base specification news and announcements
Alaska Science Center NewsletterNews and research conducted at the Alaska Science Center
California Water Science Center NewslettersCurrent research projects, latest publications, and other work at the California Water Science Center
Chesapeake Bay NewsletterUSGS Chesapeake Bay activities
Earth Science Matters NewsletterRecent research findings from the Climate Research and Development Program
Energy QuarterlyThe latest Energy Resources Program research, activities, publications, and information resources
Fort Collins Science Center Updates: From Plains to Peaks

From grand plains to towering peaks, the scientists at FORT are dedicated to producing and sharing science that aids in the management of species and natural resources. Each issue of this newsletter features updates from the center, including newly published science and tools for resource managers. Subscribe to get all of our news.



GeoHEALTH—USGSInformation on new USGS science activities pertinent to safeguarding the health of fish, wildlife, domesticated animals, livestock, and people from environmental exposures to contaminants and pathogens
Great Lakes Science WavesNews and science highlights from Around the Great Lakes
Latest in Landsat NewsletterCurrent news, uses, tools, and announcements from the Landsat Program
National Digital Trails NewsletterLatest developments, status of the nationwide digital trails dataset, upcoming training, and general announcements from the National Digital Trails Network project 
Pennsylvania Waters NewslettersNews from the USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center
Something Fishy from the Western Fisheries Research CenterQuarterly newsletter from the Western Fisheries Research Center
Sound Waves NewsletterCoastal and marine research news from across the USGS
The Monitor NewsletterNatural hazards news from across the USGS
The National Map Corps NewsletterQuarterly newsletter covers a wide range of topics including tips and tricks on the editing process, fun facts about unusual structures, and volunteer recognition
USGS EcoNewsQuarterly newsletter highlights ecosystems science and activities
USGS FirelightUpdates on the latest USGS fire science
USGS Groundwater NewsletterThe USGS Groundwater Newsletter includes the latest USGS groundwater news, publications, and highlights from around the Nation. The newsletter is sent directly to your email inbox once a month.
USGS National Hydrography Dataset NewsletterThe latest dataset updates, tips & tricks, upcoming training and meetings, general announcements, and more of the nation's surface water and hydrologic geospatial datasets
USGS Water NewsSign up for the 'USGS Water News' mailing list to receive emails about the latest products from the USGS Water Mission Area. The USGS Water Mission Area works with partners to monitor, assess, conduct targeted research, and deliver information on a wide range of water resources and conditions including streamflow, groundwater, water quality, and water use and availability.
Water Data for the NationThe United States Geological Survey has provided high-quality water data for decades. Water Data for the Nation displays that data in a discoverable, accessible, and usable format for everyone.
WaterMarks New England WSC NewslettersWater science news from across New England


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