Fraud Awareness Tips
Please note that UTradeRV does not provide for any type of payment protection services or verification of seller services.
UTradeRV encourages its users to follow these tips in order to avoid fraudulent transactions:
- Do not accept a cashier’s check that is over the price of the Listing;
- Bear in mind that all cashier checks take approximately thirty (30) days to clear and to determine if they are legitimate;
- Take special caution if your are requested to handle a transaction through a wire transfer;
- Be aware of individuals posing as a representative of a client;
- Call the number that seller provided on the Listing to verify that it is correct and a working number;
- Reconsider doing business with individuals who only want to communicate via e-mail;
- Try to get a physical address and avoid dealing merely with a post office box or a phone number;
- Try to find out if the seller you are purchasing merchandise is a reputable source;
- Make sure you get all the necessary information in writing (by e-mail or similar means of communication) about returns and warranties;
- If you are buying a vehicle outside of your local area, consider using an escrow or alternate payment service;
- Do not give out your credit card number(s) online unless the site is a secure and trusted site;
- When using the Site or seller’s site, make sure about the security/encryption software it uses;
- Email the seller to see if they have an active email address and be wary of sellers who use free email services (hotmail, yahoo, gmail);
- Try to inquire with the Better Business Bureau from the seller's area;
- Conduct an online search for other web sites from this seller or company;
- Be extremely cautious when responding to special offers through unsolicited email or other communications;
- Keep a list of all your credit cards and account information along with the card issuer's contact information for the event something looks suspicious or you lose your credit card(s).
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