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Training Courses



VALOR strives on providing the best specialized training to our students in all our courses. Our instructor cadre is composed of highly trained active experienced police, fire an EMS instructors. VALOR lead trainer, Ret. Chief Juan Gonzalez is a career national and international trainer with over 36 years of law enforcement training and operational experience. He created and served as the Regional SWAT Commander for the Law Enforcement Emergency Regional Response Team In South Texas (LEERRT). He also provides specialized training, and police & security consulting services for numerous local police departments, ISD PD's, and other non-governmental agencies. 



The requesting agency co-hosts the training by providing the facilities for classroom and practical training sites. The co-host also provides marketing support in the form of emails, mailings and faxes as available. Courses are eligible for TCOLE credit. Courses can be design for your department needs. 

Training Courses


This 60 hour course trains officers on Basic Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT). Course provides officers the opportunity to learn basic tactical operations theory and develop a level of proficiency in common SWAT operations. The course provides participants with an overview of basic SWAT concepts and operations. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Basic SWAT Course #3301. Equipment required: assigned duty gear, ballistic gear, weapon systems, light systems, breaching tools, battering rams, ballistic shield, gas mask, 200 rounds handgun, 200 rounds rifle, eye & ear protection. NLTA and conversion kits will be available for scenario based training.

First Responder 
Training Courses

Training Courses


This 8-hour course is designed to train police officers how to properly and safely deploy ballistic shields on patrol operations, and active school threats. Officers will be trained on the different types of ballistic shields, nomenclature, individual and team movements. Officers will be trained on how to utilize ballistic shields for room entries and room clearing. Officer will be trained on how to deploy ballistic shields in high-risk stops with SOLO officer and multiple officers. This course encompasses classroom and live fire range training sessions. This VBSC will be taught by Valor lead trainer | instructor (Ret) Chief/Regional Swat Commander Juan Gonzalez. Prerequisite: Active Law Enforcement Officer. Officers are required to pass a ballistic shield shooting course for certification. Equipment: Handgun and/or Rifle Ballistic Shield | Weapon Systems | Duty Gear | 100 Rounds Handgun | 100 Rounds Rifle | Ballistic Gear/ Helmet | Eye Ear Protection | Red or Blue Training Gun | 50 Rounds NLTA. Valor has limited NLTA kits available on site for force-on-force scenarios.

This 8 hour course is designed to train police officers how to properly and safely respond, resolve and de-escalate criminal and non-criminal subject/suspect structure & vehicle barricades. These are complex incidents and require the rapid deployment of specialized resources units such as SWAT/SRT, HNU/CNU, command & control elements. This course will cover lessons learned from past criminal/non-criminal barricades. Officers will be trained on the legal duties mandated by law, policy, training, and experience. This course will cover the immediate control of this incidents utilizing proper principles, concepts and tactics. This course will be taught by Valor lead trainer | instructor (Ret) Chief of Police/Regional Swat Commander Juan Gonzalez. Prerequisite: Active Law Enforcement Officer Equipment: Pen and Paper

This 8-hour course is designed to train police officers who have already received basic shield training on how to properly and safely deploy ballistic shields on SWAT/SRT callouts, hostage/barricade incidents, vehicle asaults/rescues, low-light | no-light environment, and officer down/rescue incidents. Officers will be trained on how to deploy chemical agents, flashbangs, impact munitions, and use shields in high-energy breaching incidents. Officers will be trained on the different types of ballistic shields, nomenclature, individual and team movements. Officers will be trained how to implement speed, surprise & violence of action in room entries, room clearing and room security, This course encompasses classroom and range training sessions. This AVBSC will be taught by Valor lead trainer | instructor (Ret) Chief/Regional Swat Commander Juan Gonzalez. Prerequisite: Active Law Enforcement Officer. Already have taken a Basic Shield course. Equipment: Handgun and/or Rifle Ballistic Shield | Weapon Systems | Duty Gear | 200 Rounds Handgun | 200 Rounds Rifle | Ballistic Gear/ Helmet | Eye Ear Protection | Red or Blue Training Gun | 100 Rounds NLTA. Valor has limited NLTA kits available on site for force-on-force scenarios.

This 8-hour course is designed to train police officers on how to properly and safely use manual breaching tools for inward and outward opening doors in active shooter events, barricaded incidents, and planned high-risk warrants. Officers will be trained on basic breaching set-ups, prying, ramming, use of sledge hammers, use of breaching tools for commercial glass, and how to defeat pad locks. This course trains police officers on the different types of doors, breaching tools and tactics. This First Responder Breaching Course will be taught by Valor lead trainer | instructor (Ret) Chief/Regional Swat Commander Juan Gonzalez. Prerequisite: Active Law Enforcement Officer. Officers are required to pass a breaching door assessment. Equipment: Duty gear, ballistic gear, ballistic shield, weapon systems, breaching tools: pry tool-halligan, battering ram, sledge hammer, bolt cutters and window breaching tools. Limited Simunition Weapons, NLTA & Kits will be available for training scenarios.

This 40 hour course will train swat operators how to resolve high risk hostage incidents in open, structure and CQB environments utilizing individual, and advanced team tactics. This course will cover advanced shield tactics, vehicle assaults, and advanced officer rescue tactics. Additionally, this course will focus also on enhancing skills learned in the basic swat course. Equipment Required: Assigned Duty Gear | Ballistic Vest & Helmet | Gas Mask & Carrier| 300 Rounds Handgun & 400 rounds Rifle| 300 rounds Non-Lethal Training Ammunition (NLTA)|Weapon & Light Systems |Breaching Shotgun |Pry Tools | Breaching Tools (Interior|Exterior) |Shield | 40mm Launcher |Eye and Ear Protection.

This 16 course will cover operational deployment of Tactical Armored Vehicles | Armored Personnel Carrier | MRAPS | MRAP ATV for special operations & critical incidents. This course will cover use of shooting platforms, push & pull tactics, mounting and dismounting. This course will effective the proper use of deployment of chemical agents into a structure, exterior breaching tactics, use of APC for vehicle assaults/rescue tactics, officer | citizen down rescues, delivery of CNU assets, and live fire exercies for APC gun ports, turret and angles of ballistic protection.

This course will train SWAT certified officers on advanced CQB concepts, principles and tactics of room entries | room clearing, assessment & discussion of failures and successes in room entries with speed, surprise and violence of action elements, team priorities of work, team movement, suspect control tactics, weapon system handling in CQB environment. The strategies and tactics learned during this CQB course can be utilized by police, fire and EMS, personnel assigned to specialized units (SWAT/SRT/RESCUE TASK FORCE, TACTICAL MEDICS) and applied across multiple concepts, systems and principles. Officers will be train on the mandated training duties of constitutional law, state law, policy, training and experience. Prerequisites: Police | Fire | Ems Equipment Needed: All assigned duty gear, weapon systems, light systems. ballistic gear, 150 rounds rifle ammunition, 50 rounds handgun. Eye and ear protection.

This course trains SWAT|SRT operators on deployment of chemical agents for criminal & Non-Criminal Barricade Incidents. Operators will be trained on exterior and interior deployment of chemical agents using different types of delivery systems. Equipment: Gas mask, chemical Agents. 40mm, .12 gauge shotgun., weapon systems, and full gear. Operators will receive a voluntary direct and indirect exposure. Operators will be trained on operational tempo objectives with chemical agents. Prerequisite: Basic SWAT Certified.

Instructor Courses

This three-day course is designed to train police officers how to properly and safely deploy ballistic shields on patrol operations, high-risk warrants, room entries & room clearing, citizen & officer down rescues, special operations, low-light | no-light operations, high-risk vehicle stops, NFDD & CA deployment, shield use in conjunction with breaching tools, active school threats, and special assignments. Officers will be trained on the different types of ballistic shields, nomenclature, individual and team movements. Officers will be trained how to implement speed, surprise & violence of action through force-on-force simulated scenarios. This course encompasses classroom and live range training sessions. This VBSIC will be taught by Valor lead trainer | instructor (Ret) Chief/Regional Swat Commander Juan Gonzalez & Valor Cadre Instructors. Prerequisite: Basic TCOLE Instructor | Active Law Enforcement Officer. Officers are required to pass a ballistic shield shooting course for certification. Equipment: Handgun and/or Rifle Ballistic Shield | Weapon Systems | Duty Gear | 200 Rounds Handgun | 200 Rounds Rifle | Ballistic Gear/ Helmet | Eye Ear Protection | 100 NLTA rounds handgun | 100 NLTA rifle. Limited NLTA kits will be available on site.

This 24-hour course will train instructors on how to become familiar and proficient with their mechanical and breaching tools. This is an instructor level course to certify law enforcement officers as mechanical and ballistic breaching instructors. Upon completion of this course, instructors will have an understanding on how to effectively breach common doors, fortified doors, windows, and walls while responding to active shooter incidents, patrol duties or assigned to a specialized team. Equipment Needed: all assigned duty gear, ballistic gear, ballistic shield, manual and mechanical breaching tools, .12 gauge shotgun, breaching shotgun, 10 rounds buckshot, 20 rounds birdshot, 5 Def-Tec TKO rounds, or 5 Royal arms Tesar # 2 breaching rounds, 200 rounds handgun, 200 rounds rifle, 100 NLTA, eye and ear protection, gloves

Firearm Courses 

This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Firearms Instructor Course #2222. Prerequisites: • Possess a Basic TCOLE Instructor Certificate of Proficiency. Length of Course: 40 hours minimum Cost: 250.00 Required Equipment: • Firearm and ammunition 400 rounds handgun, 200 rounds revolver .38/.357, 12 gauge police shotgun with ammunition (50 rounds birdshot, 25 rounds 00 buck and 10 rounds of rifled slug) • Safety equipment (ear and eye protection) • Assigned Duty Gear Target Population: Texas peace officers wanting specialized training as Firearms Instructors. Student Prerequisites: • Not prohibited by state or federal law or rule from attending training related to firearms or from possessing a firearm. • Never had a license or certificate issued by the Commission suspended or revoked. • Currently hold an Instructor Certificate of Proficiency issued by the Commission. • Have at least three years’ experience as either a law enforcement officer or a firearms instructor. Register@ This course will be taught by Valor Instructor Cadre | Lead Trainer | Instructor Ret. Chief of Police | Swat Commander Juan Gonzalez

This 8 hour course will train officers to familiarize themselves as a Patrol Rifle Operator with current weapon system of operations, tactical deployment, use of cover & concealement, and decision making regarding the use of the patrol rifle. This course trains officers to a high degree of skill and proficiency with the patrol rifle in the areas of safety, handling, maintenance, movement, manipulation, shooting, combat tactics, weapon zeroing, and decision making. Officers will be train on the mandated training duties of constitutional law, law, policy, training and experience. Prerequisites: Texas Peace Officer. Officers must pass a patrol rifle qualification course. Equipment Needed: All assigned duty gear, weapon systems, light systems. ballistic gear, 150 rounds rifle ammunition, 50 rounds handgun. Eye and ear protection.

The Patrol Rifle Course (TCOLE #3322) is a 2 day course meeting the requirements for TCOLE #3322. This Course will cover nomenclature, basic breakdown/ cleaning, maintenance, zeroing (iron sights only), movement, stoppages, reloads, long and near shooting. This course is designed to teach and certify patrol officers how to properly and safely deploy an AR-15 | M-4 style rifle. This class will be conducted in the classroom and on the range. Students will learn the seven fundamentals of marksmanship, basic weapons handling, safety, and achieve speed and accuracy with the patrol rifle. Equipment Required: Eye and ear protection AR 15 | M4 platform rifle (.223/ 5.56) 200 rounds rifle ammunition 3 mags/ 30 round capacity Cleaning kit Handgun and duty gear (typically worn while on duty) 150 rounds handgun ammunition Weather appropriate clothing. Eye and Ear Protection

The 8 hour course is to train law enforcement officers on the basic fundamentals of using Red Dots on their handguns, advantages, and agency policy deployment protocols. This is a basic firearms fundamentals and concepts shooting course that will train officers on agency optic implementation, optic qualifications, zeroing the optic, how to track the optic, shooting occluded, index shooting, threat focus vs, front sight focus concepts, optic maintenance & care, optic transition drills, optic/handgun malfunction drills, extended range shooting and handling optic failures. Required Equipment: Handgun, weapon holster (optic), three magazines, ammunition (200 rounds), eye & ear protection, note taking materials (Pen & Paper). This course will be taught by Lead Trainer Ret. Chief of Police | Swat Commander J. Gonzalez and Valor Instructor Cadre.

This 4-6 hour course is designed to train police officers on how to properly and safely deploy and employ handheld lights, and weapon mounted lights (WML) on handguns & rifles for patrol, and special operation units. Officers will be trained on the principles of low light, different types of flashlight handheld techniques, advantages and disadvantages of flashlight uses in low-light and no-light environments. This course trains police officers on the different types of weapon mounted light system techniques, concepts and principles. Officers will be trained on how to properly navigate, identify threats, communicate, and engage suspects in a low-light and/or no-light environment using illumination tools. This WML course will be taught by Valor lead trainer | instructor (Ret) Chief/Regional Swat Commander Juan Gonzalez. Prerequisite: Active Law Enforcement Officer. Officers are required to pass a handgun and rifle qualification course. Equipment: Handgun and/or Rifle with Weapon Mounted Light Systems | Back-Up Handheld Light, Duty Gear | 200 Rounds Handgun | 100 Rounds Rifle | Ballistic Gear/ Helmet | Eye Ear Protection .

This 16 hour course will train police, fire and EMS personnel the fundamental tactics, techniques, concepts and procedures to conduct individual and team level room clearing and room entry tactics, utilizing speed, surprise and violence of action. The strategies and tactics learned during this CQB course can be utilized by police, fire and EMS, personnel assigned to specialized units (SWAT/SRT/CERT/RESCUE TASK FORCE, TACTICAL MEDICS) and applied across multiple concepts, systems and principles. Officers will be train on the mandated training duties of constitutional law, state law, policy, training and experience. Prerequisites: Police | Fire | Ems Equipment Needed: All assigned duty gear, weapon systems, light systems. ballistic gear, 150 rounds rifle ammunition, 50 rounds handgun. Eye and ear protection.

This 4 Hour Course will train officers how to recognize, respond, prevent, and investigate Arrest- Related and Sudden, In-Custody Deaths. This course is design to train patrol officers, command staff, jailers, medical personnel, and dispatchers how to recognize, respond and identify potential in-custody death prisoners. This course will train patrol officers how to assess, respond, identify, and resolve incidents on-scene . Officers will learn the categorical causes of excited delirium behavior, cocaine psychosis, pre-incident indicators as well as how to identify the many behavioral cues associated with each categorical cause. Equipment required. Pen and Paper.

This 8-hour course is designed to train police officers on the ten operational objectives of perimeter control & containment teams. Officers will be trained on how to supervise, direct, control and manage this critical incidents as assets start arriving, intelligence starts developing and command & control elements start implement their operational objectives. Officers will be trained on how to properly establish a perimeter, contain target areas, intelligence gathering, identification of hostage/barricade incidents, roles and responsibilities of first responders, SRT/SWAT members, HNU/CNU elements, command & control elements, priority of fire issues, evacuation protocols, staging, implementation of ICS/NIMS. This Valor Perimeter Control & Containment Course will be taught by Valor lead trainer | instructor (Ret) Chief/Regional Swat Commander Juan Gonzalez. Prerequisite: Active Law Enforcement Officer. Equipment: Duty gear, ballistic gear, ballistic shield, weapon systems, breaching tools: pry tool-halligan, battering ram, sledge hammer, bolt cutters and window breaching tools.

This 8 Hour Course trains officers how to survive and fight through a unplanned, and/or planned ambush attack. Officers will be train on tactics, principles and concepts, design to train officers how to react, respond and survive a planned or unplanned ambush attack. Equipment required: Assigned patrol gear (i.e., ballistic gear, weapon systems, eye-ear protection, 100 rounds handgun, 100 rounds rifle). Open to local, county, state and federal agencies. This course is deisgn for patrol, fire and EMS personnel. This course is taught by Valor Lead Trainer: Ret. Chief of Police | Regional Swat Commander J. Gonzalez

This 6 hour course will train officers how to go beyond the traffic stop using established constitutional law, guidelines, reasonable exceptions, policy, training, and experience. Officers will be trained that every search and seizure requires consent, a recognized constitutional exception, and/or a warrant. Officers will be trained on the seven types of warrantless searches after making the traffic stop, and how they can apply best practices to conduct an arrest, search and/or seizure. Equipment Required: Assigned duty gear. Pen and Paper.

This 8-hour course is design to train the patrol officers the different concepts, principles and tactics of room entry, room clearing, SOLO movement & multiple officer movements through center fed, corner fed, and linear rooms. This course trains officers on the fundamental weapon manipulation positions while working in condensed areas. Equipment required: assigned patrol gear (i.e., ballistic gear, weapon systems, (blue gun-red gun), simunition weapons (optional).

The Patrol Tactics Course (PTC) is primarily designed for patrol officers that respond to calls for service and have to approach structures, and businesses in public places with limited resources and equipment. This course will assist officers in reading and reacting to immediate known and unknown structure threats. This course is a one day course aimed to provide officers and small teams the mindset and tools to survive deadly encounters no matter the environment and secure a crisis situation for responding specialized units. Equipment needed assigned patrol gear, patrol shield, breaching tools, less lethal, assigned weapon | light systems, 50 rounds handgun, 50 rounds rifle, eye and ear protection. We will provide NLTA and Kits.

This 8-Hour course will train officers how to tactically respond to a critical incident utilizing the proper vehicle tactical approaches, linear assaults, angle stops and tactics, cover & concealment, proper use of vehicle dynamics, protocols and techniques when engaging in vehicle assault tactics during high risk situations. This course will train officers how to tactically "Get off the X". Equipment required: Agency assigned gear. (i.e., ballistic gear, eye/ear protection, weapon systems, 50 rounds of handgun ammunition. 50 rounds of rifle ammunition. Open to local, county, state and federal agencies.

This 8-hour course will train officers in an on-duty | off-duty capacity to safely and tactically respond to an Officer Down and/or Officer Rescue Operation. This course will train officers how to effectively rescue a down officer using lifts, carry and drags as a solo officer and multiple officers. This course will train officers how to deploy ballistic shields for asault/rescue, flashbangs, chemical agents, impact munitions, and smoke. Officers will be trained on how to effective use cover and tactically withdraw from a hot zone. Officers will be trained how to provide medical adjuncts in a direct and indirect theat area. Equipment required: Agency assigned gear. (i.e., ballistic gear, ballistic shield, eye/ear protection, weapon systems, 100 rounds of handgun ammunition. 100 rounds of rifle ammunition, eye and ear protection. Open to local, county, state and federal agencies. We will provide NLTA and conversion kits for scenario based training.

School Safety Courses

This 16-hour course is designed to train Guardian Active Shooter Response Teams how to properly and safely deploy ballistic shields, weapon systems on an ACTIVE SHOOTER THREAT | INCIDENT. Guardians will be trained on how to effectively and efficiently use ballistic shields, weapon systems as a SOLO RESPONSE and/or CONTACT TEAM to immediately eliminate a threat in a school environment. Guardians will be trained on the most common types of room entries, room clearing tactics, weapon system firearm fundamentals. This course will encompass force-on-force scenarios utilizing NLTA and Simunition Kits. Guardians will be trained on the different types of ballistic shields, nomenclature, SOLO and CT movements. Guardians will be trained how to implement speed, surprise & controlled aggression in an ASE. This course encompasses classroom and range training sessions. This Guardian ASE Response Team Course will be taught by Valor lead trainer | instructor (Ret) Chief/Regional Swat Commander Juan Gonzalez. Prerequisite: Active Texas Guardian. Guardians are required to pass a ballistic shield assessment. Equipment: Handgun and Rifle | Ballistic Shield | 100 Rounds Handgun | 100 Rounds Rifle | Eye | Ear Protection | Long Sleeve Shirt | Gloves. Valor has limited NLTA kits available on site for force-on-force scenarios.

Private Security Lic# F01097

This is a 16 hour (two consecutive days) Texas Department of Public Safety - Private Security Bureau's (PSB) Level IV Personal Protection Officer (PPO) course. This course fulfills the State of Texas training requirements of the PSB for a Personal Protection Officer License. (PSB pre-requisite) Level IV Certificate you must have completed Level II and Level III first. No prerequisite for police officers.


Chief Juan Gonzalez has over thirty-six years of law enforcement experience. He retired from the Pharr Police Department in 2009 and the San Juan Police Department in 2020. Throughout his career he served as a patrol officer, narcotics officer, patrol sergeant, field training supervisor, special crimes supervisor, police academy instructor, patrol lieutenant, training commander, swat commander, risk manager, interim city manager, and Chief of Police. Chief Juan Gonzalez has trained hundreds of police officers, and private security personnel  in  tactical safety, patrol tactics, special weapon & tactics, force options, firearms, personal protection, high-risk vehicle stops, armored vehicle tactics, use of chemical agents, and hostage/barricade  courses throughout his career.

Chief Juan Gonzalez retired in 2020 as the Chief of Police for the City of San Juan, Texas and served as the Regional SWAT Commander for the San Juan Law Enforcement Emergency Regional Response Team (LEERRT) from 2009-2020. He created the LEERRT team in 2009 along with other Chiefs of Police through a homeland security grant. Chief Gonzalez is a graduate of the FBI National Academy and the National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) Command College.

He holds a Master Peace Officer License and is an advanced TCOLE instructor. He is a Force Science Analyst and a tactical instructor with numerous intermediate and advanced instructor certifications in firearms, mechanical & ballistic breaching, ballistic shield, noise flash diversionary devices, force options (taser, baton, OC), de-escalation, chemical munitions, less lethal munitions, CQB tactical countermeasures, FX Scenario & Safety, PPCT-CQB, safe restraints, in-custody death prevention, defensive tactics, tire deflation devices, weapon lights systems instructor, EVOC, counter terrorism, ALERRT LEVEL I Instructor, AAIR Instructor, ERASE Instructor , SORD Instructor , BREACHING Instructor,  and CRASE Instructor, crisis intervention, VALOR, Below 100, and numerous other instructor certifications in police management, tactical operations, patrol tactics, officer resilience, and tactical safety.
As a graduate of the NTOA Command College and other national management courses, Chief Gonzalez has received specialized training in training management and risk mitigation for SWAT teams, management of tactical operations centers, patrol critical incidents, resolution of hostage negotiations, resolution of barricade incidents, legal and liability management for specialized teams, armored vehicle operations, and management of crisis negotiations teams.

Operational Experience 
Chief Gonzalez was the regional swat commander for the San Juan LEERRT-SWAT team. This regional swat team executed high-risk warrants and search warrants for local, county, state and federal law enforcement agencies operating in the southern border. The majority of the operations involved assisting DEA, HSI, ICE, ATF, FBI, in the arrests of high-risk valued targets operating with the "mexican cartels", and transnational gangs,  as drug traffickers, sicarios and or cell leaders in their organizations. SJ-LEERRT assisted the U.S. Marshalls in executing many high-risk arrest warrants on fugitives, wanted by local, county, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. SJ-LEERRT also executed many high-risk  arrest/search warrants on violent criminals operating in the Rio Grande Valley Southern Border involved in homicides, human smuggling, human trafficking, home invasions, auto-theft, gang organized crime, and money laundering. 

Chief Gonzalez retired in August 2020 and has subsequently established Valor Law Enforcement Training & Consulting LLC. As the lead trainer and instructor, he has conducted basic & advanced swat courses, and other tactical firearms, officer safety, special investigations, private security, and tactical safety courses across the State of Texas. He currently provides subject matter expertise and consulting services to local, county, state, and federal agencies. Valor Law Enforcement Training & Consulting LLC is an established professional training organization with national and international industry product and training entities.

As the regional SWAT commander for LEERRT, Chief Gonzalez commanded over one hundred operations with local, county, state, and federal agencies from 2010-2020. The LEERRT team in conjunction with other local, and regional swat teams across the state and nationally, responded to multiple high-risk incidents, and served multiple high-risk arrest & search warrants in Hidalgo, Cameron, Starr, Willacy, Brooks, Jim Wells, and Webb County.
As the primary grant writer for LEERRT, Chief Gonzalez was able to secure over $600,000.00 dollars in grant money for equipment from homeland security, and specialized equipment from the Texas LESO program for the operation and training of the LEERRT team.  Chief Gonzalez commanded a team of up to forty-eight members from twenty-four different agencies that included swat operators, tactical medics, hostage negotiators, snipers, tactical K-9 handlers, and team leaders.

Additionally, as the lead trainer and instructor for LEERRT, Chief Gonzalez and his instructor cadre conducted numerous basic SWAT courses, advanced swat courses, hostage rescue courses, armored vehicle tactics courses, firearm instructor courses, ballistic shield tactics courses, personal protection officer courses, NFDD courses, tactical K-9 courses, counter-terrorism courses, specialized ballistic breaching courses, vehicle assault & rescue courses, tactical medic courses, bus assault & rescue courses, active shooter event courses, active shooter exercises, and explosive breaching courses to local, county, state and federal agencies.

In 2015, Chief Gonzalez and his instructor cadre trained the Paraguay National SWAT team CETI for fifteen days in tactical operation courses that included basic and advanced SWAT courses tactical firearms, hostage rescue, armored vehicle tactics, force options, officer-involved shooting courses, officer rescue, and bus assaults. Chief Gonzalez has trained law enforcement officers in Honduras for the National Police on High-Risk Vehicle Stops and Protection of Crime Scenes.  

Chief Gonzalez has been instrumental in providing subject matter operation expertise, training, and guidance to local, county, state, and federal special response teams throughout his career. As the regional SWAT commander for LEERRT, the team was featured in numerous local, state, national, and international media outlets in combatting violent crime at the border, and the partnerships with other law enforcement agencies in dismantling, displacing, and disrupting the operation of drug cartels, and transnational gangs in the Rio Grande Valley.
Valor Law Enforcement Training and Consulting LLC offers a diverse amount of specialized tactical training and consulting resources for law enforcement and private security.
Valor Law Enforcement Training and Consulting LLC offers a diverse amount of specialized training and consulting resources for law enforcement and private security.


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