Memorial Day Forum | Thoughts and Comments

Memorial Day Forum

What does Memorial Day mean to you? We welcome you to Add your thoughts and comments about Memorial Day, about people who serve or have served in the U.S. Military. Many of these additions will be shared on and with television stations and newspapers. Thank you for sharing with VetFriends.

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Memorial Day Tour of the Soldiers' Home National C

Commemorate Memorial Day with a guided tour of the US Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home National Cemetery. Visited by President Abraham Lincoln, the Soldiers' Home National Cemetery is notable for being the first national cemetery (est. 1861) and for serving as the final resting place for John Logan, who formalized Memorial Day celebrations in 1868. More Info:-

- HappeningNext, DC
Memorial Day cries out for those who died

- Michael J Contos, PA

IN FOND MEMORY of all PEACEKEEPERS who believed the absence of evidence is not evidence and who have gone before us marked with the sign of Truth. May we be always faithfull and honor their sacrifices and may they be blessed with the One True Peace.

- Marie P.,

This is a day to remember my father in law Michael Gurchik,USN veteran,WW2. God Bless all who serve past,present,and future. Those who keep our country free.

- David,

This is a day to remember my father, Leonard J. Greeley II, and his father Leonard J. Greeley I, and those many others in my family including my own mother Mary J. McAvoy for their service to our country.

- J. McCabe ,

It is a shame that people have forgotten what Memorial Day is for.It is not to tahnk a the Vets. for their service,but to our men and women who have given their lives in battle or as a result of their wounds.We thank people who serve on Veterans Day.I remember my friends who were K.I.A,s in Vietnam-DennisDennySchlott,Tommy Cardiff,and CharlesChuckCollene.To me this is a solemn day of honoring those and all the others that have laid it all down.God Bless-Semper Fi-Mike

- RWebb,

This is the day when all of us can hold our heads high and proclaim our pride for a job well done. We must never forget those who fell, those who came home wonded,and those of us who are still in th fight. We are yhe bachbone to the security of our great nation. There would be no protection for our nation with out the job we have done through the centuries, from the minute men to the badest of todays kick butt special forces. Never hang your heads always stand tall. God bless all.

- Sp5 Daley,



This day is for all the fallen brothers and sisters who have paid the ultimate price for freedom as they are the real heros, along with all the Military Famlies who bear the burden of the loss of thrse Heros.I would also like to thank all the famlies of the active, reserve and retired military who have manned the home front for us, as they, as well as this great country,is why we have made and are making the sacrefice of being in harms way so much easier. I would also like to make mention of all our brothers and sisters who are still missing I would like to sayYOU ARE NOT AND WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN.I am proud to have served 26 years in the AIR FORCE and two tours in Viet Nam.

- jackpot4,

Although I was in the Army in the early 70s and was rather young, I dont think I ever realized the importance of serving my country and the sacrifices so many made before me. I am very honored and thankful for the opportunity I had to serve my country. After a trip to the WWII museum in New Orleans it was actually the D Day Museum the first time I visited there, I realized the brave men and women of the Greatest Generation strapped on a pack, laced up their boots and picked up a weapon and saved our world. No one said Hell no, I wont go. I was profoundly moved by the visit to the museum and will be forever grateful for the men and women that saved our world from tyranny.

- kazino788,

The absolute best Memorial Day parades were in the cities of San Diego and Honolulu. Huge parades with great floats. It seemed like those cities with military installations would have the best parades. When I was young, I would march with the Boy Scouts and also with American Legion Post 6 in our home town as well as Cincinnati and Cleveland. Dad would not miss a parade, he was honored.

- bratamism,

It was a strange time, levies coming down all the time, farm grown kids leaving, hardened soldiers returning. We were all baby faced and doing our duty. Im proud of everyone I served with, Duty, Honor , Country. I hope we all faired well enough..

- poker3,

My father served in WWII, 2 brothers were in the Navy and 1 brother was in the Army. I served in the Navy, Army, Navy reserves, Air Force reserves. I am a disabled veteran also. I want to express my gratitude for those serving now, come home safe. My sympathy for those lost in the past, God Bless all of you. To all of my brothers and sisters that served with me Semper FI This is a time to remember all those who served and what they have done for Our country. God Bless all.......

- weliAnteple,

Thankyou all Vietnam Vets...and all Veterans...My brother Mike Rydzewski served in Vietnam..67-68..1st Airwing in Danag...He as since past away 3yrs ago from that horrible death of Agent Orange....i miss him so much...he was my Big you Mike....little brother Timmy

- exscort service,

My deep appreciation and thankful prayers go to every one that as myself served in the military.May they never be forgotten and their sacrifice always cherished as their lives were poured like sweet burning offering for the lives of others.

- Andersondu,

I have always been proud to have served, as my father did in WW1, and as my stepson does now; hes about to return to Afghanistan, and Im especially proud of him and others who continue to be the face of America as representatives of freedom and democracy across the globe. On this Memorial Day and beyond, let us not forget that freedom is never free and let us remember those who gave their lives and those who continue to risk theirs.

- Phillipsdf,

As always I will go to all 4 services that my town puts on. I will remember and honor all who has served and all who died doing their dutyfor this great country.

- seyda miranda ,

In honor of Galen Smith ,KIA 10-23-69,high school buddy and friend ,I was in country about 2 months and a week when he was killed .Also in honor of Roger L.Porter ,who I didnt know personally but was WIA and died 8 days later .Roger was in the tower ,above me when we were hit by a sapper unit on 6-12-70 RIP my friends ...


Some of our kids would like to say: ~Thank you for fighting for us! Go USA hooah! ~Thank yall for fighting for our freedom. ~Thank you for fighting for our country. ~Thany every soldier because Im proud to be an American where at least I know Im free. I have my rights and my beliefs. The military inspires my life and makes me wanna join and fight for my country. Thanks for keeping us safe.

- kurt arnold,

This Memorial Day I remember my father, Ernest Mc Donald Jr. (WWII) and my high school friend, Dwight Pinza Mc Keathon (Vietnam). I appreciate them and all who served and are serving in the Military. All gave some...Dwight gave all. May the UNIVERSE bless all our warriors. Know that we have not forgotten you.

- Durbin Conrad aka Poppa Smurf,

my day is spent at the cemetary visiting with my brother P.F.C. David arnold who was killed in action 3/11/69 and the gravesite of my father who served in ww2 i know first hand that freedom is not free

- Roy Stewart,

I did not get to ride to DC this year but I and another brother rode to the Traveling Viet Nam Wall and visited and talked with other Veteran Brothers and Sisters. I am just blessed that I am still able to ride the Harley and visit with others. D W Conrad USMC 56 - 60

- Lili Dove,

Over the past years I have attended the Memorial Day Observance at Fort Leavenworth. That was the plan again this year until word was received of the death of Sgt. Michael Knapp in service to our nation in Afghanistan. This morning Sgt. Knapp will arrive at the airport here to be met by his family, friends and the Patriot Guard. We will escort him to the site of his memorial service in Shawnee, KS. This will be a time of thanks and remembrance of the sacrifice of Sgt. Knapp and all others who have given their lives in defense of all that we hold dear.

- Tom Rurka,

This Memorial Day, in honor of all those who served I would like everyone to spend a minute contemplating what they can do to end wars. Believing is seeing. If we believe there will always be war, it is more likely to continue than if we believe it is time to honor peaceful coexistence. God Bless the families who have lost family members to the battle for peace.

- Leonard ,

my thoughs on this day are Iam proud of all of you who serve from the Rotc cadet in high school and the Veterans and the Unit States Arm Forces and all who have ever dawn the uniform of the US milatary.My thoughs for this day is I pray for all those that are in harms way and we all should be singing America The Beautiful,God Bless America. we should stand up and wave our flags high and say yes! Iam Proud to be an American May God keep you all.Thanks for your Service.

- ronnie,

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