English Language Learners
Victory provides an inclusive and positive environment for its’ culturally and linguistically diverse learners and their families. We welcome the participation and contribution of the wider community and we believe it enhances many of the learning opportunities available at our kura.
The diversity of Victory Primary School is a huge strength and it’s our point of difference. Our school is made up of over 50 different ethnicities and nationalities, and it’s this vibrant mix of cultures, languages, and traditions that gives our school it’s unique character. We value and celebrate the individual whakapapa (identity) of all of the of the people in our school and this diversity contributes to our collective identity as a kura.
Many of our students are English Language Learners and we put a lot of time and resourcing into providing a learning programme that assists second language acquisition. We are extremely fortunate to have the assistance of an amazing bilingual support team, who work alongside students and families to provide support and translation services that improve learning outcomes and aid communication between home and school. Our bilingual team consists of 7 staff and they are able to provide bilingual support in over 10 different languages.
We understand that English language learners need:
strongly embedded, culturally responsive practice, and pastoral care to ensure all students have opportunities to experience success;
support within the classroom for reading, writing, speaking and listening, to become literate in their home language and English Language;
teachers that recognise that there are varied language needs from foundation to advanced academic language;
active facilitation of students first language within the classroom to maintain bilingualism;
early intervention to support the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse learners to support their acquisition of English Language;
scaffolded learning and multiple opportunities for authentic language use and academic language;
an environment that acknowledges and values the students culture, heritage and first language;
innovative contexts where learners feel safe and belong, with learning focused and positive relationships.
The school works together with students, bilingual language workers and whānau, to help our students to acquire the skills and knowledge they need to participate in learning activities equally with their peers and to meet the expectations of the NZ curriculum.

Bilingual Staff
To contact one of our Bilingual Staff, please get in touch with our office.