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It takes a special person to be a volunteer, and we're glad that you've chosen to share your time and talents with the patients and staff at WakeMed. The time you spend here as a volunteer benefits the entire community. As a volunteer, your role is one of ambassador, liaison and educator for patients, families, visitors and the public.

Volunteer Main Banner

WakeMed and its patients have been fortunate to have strong volunteer support from the community since 1961, and we believe that volunteers are a vital element in our effort to provide quality care for our patients. Countless hours as well as dollars have been contributed by dedicated volunteers and their families over the years.

We have room for you too to give back to the hospital, patients and your community. We will work with you so that your service to the community through the Volunteer Services department is a fulfilling, rewarding and enjoyable experience.

Most needed volunteer areas:

Volunteer Handbook

Read our volunteer handbook policies, procedures and more.

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Active volunteers login here to access the Volgistics system.

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WakeMed Volunteers Make a Difference