Since Wargamer relaunched in 2021, we’ve grown rapidly to become a world-leading tabletop games site – and our writing team has grown along the way. Each of us is not only a fully trained journalist, but a board-certified tabletop gaming mega-nerd who genuinely loves the hobbies we write about with all their heart.
It’s a small team, sir, but it checks out. Introducing your Wargamer crack editorial squad:
Alex Evans – Editor
Story seeker and hopeless Warhammer 40k addict. Send him tips, pitches, and feedback! Tweets at @Evostein.
[email protected]
Matt Bassil – Staff Writer
Wargamer’s resident MTG deck-builder, Matt enjoys installing too many mods and failing to finish campaigns.
[email protected]
Mollie Russell – Staff Writer
Player of roles, speaker of words – Mollie is a keen poet (when she’s not on DnD adventures).
[email protected]
Tim Linward – Staff Writer
A miniature wargames aficionado, Tim adores all flavors of Warhammer – nearly as much as obscure board games you’ve never heard of.
[email protected]
Adam Randall – Ecommerce Editor
From Space Hulk to Top Trumps, Adam delights in the world of board, card, and tabletop games. Get in touch if you want to partner with us!
[email protected]
Alongside our full-time editorial staff, Wargamer is privileged to work with a growing network of talented freelance contributors who’ve written for us about everything from Warhammer Horus Heresy books to Lego flowers.
In between penning new tabletop treats for you to read, you can often find members of this splendid, diverse bunch chatting with us on the Wargamer Freelancers’ Discord community about big releases and events in our hobby world (and what to write about them).
If you’re a cracking writer with tabletop stories to tell us, you could be the next to join the fray! For guidance on how to pitch, read our About Us page.