Sabines POV
Kanan and me stand there for a minute, staring off into space. My mind is going crazy, and my heart feels like someone stabbed it. After a minute, Kanan speaks.
"We have to find the room where they turned him to the dark side," he says firmly, and I give him a puzzled look.
"What?" I say," you think they like injected him with something?" He nods. "Wait, I think your right. You know that Tseebo (sorry don't know how to spell it) person Ezras parents knew? Well I saw some data on it that showed early evidence that they were making a serum like that!"
"Yeah... so we'll go to the room were they injected him, and see if anything can help us!"
A huge weight lifted off my chest. Confirming Ezra was forced to turn dark made it seem bearable, like something we could fix. Doubts still clouded my mind, we didn't know for sure how to save him.
Kanan and I start following my map to a room that could possibly have the serum in it, shooting down several bucketheads on the way. They are all extra stupid and confused today, I wonder why.
It seems like hours have passed when we arrive to the room. We shoot some stormtroopers that were in there and go towards the surgery table. It is a strange room, with bright lights, white cabinets and counters against a wall, and a white surgery table in the middle.
There are lots of serums on the counters, each a different shade of color. I see a yellow one, and examine it.
"Yep," I say to Kanan, "just as you thought. This serums labeled 'dark side'." I give it to Kanan, who lays it down and puts on random rubber gloves. He opens it and puts it under a random microscope thing he found.
He looks in it, and starts nodding.
"Okay, this is actually a pretty simple serum. There are just dark side molecule type things, called micronydes, in it, and if we extract them from the serum and we replace it light side micronydes, it might be able to change him," he says.
"Might?" I reply.
"There also might be some crazy side affects." He looks at it and takes it to this other machine. On a little keyboard he types in something, then inserts the liquid into an opening in the machine. While the machine works, Kanan grabs and empty serum thing and hands it to me.
"I need you to poke it right here," he says pointing to his arm," and pull out the little rod."
I nod and do as he instructs. It fills with his blood. This is not how they drew blood when the empire did it to me when I was little. They inserted a needle at the back of my knee, then the blood went through a tube and into a little bag.
In a little while, Kanan take the dark side serum out of the machine, now clear, and then takes another little bag full of yellow out of the machine as well. He then puts in his blood, and types something into the keyboard. After a while, he takes his blood and a little bag full of green out of the machine.
"What are you doing?" I ask him, watching him pour the original serum into the green, "and when did you learn all about serum type stuff?"
"Well, before Order 66, I went to school and pretty much learned everything about this kind of stuff," he says, "And I told you, I'm replacing the dark side micronydes with the light side ones." I nod and continue watching as he puts the serum into an injector.
"Okay. Let's go get Ezra back." He says, and I fake a smile, because inside, I got a bad feeling about this.

Captured: Star Wars Rebels Fanfic
FanfictionWhen Ezra Brigder, the youngest member of the rebel crew, gets captured by the Empire, Sabine has no idea how to feel about it. Sabine has never felt anything like that before for Ezra. She knows that he likes her, but does Sabine like him back? Sab...