Izuku Midoriya was transported to another world entirely by Kurogiri after taking a stroll through the city. Labeled as MIA for several months much to the dismay of his classmates, mom, Sensei, and his daughter Eri. One day however outside of U.A a...
Class 1-A. A class with a lot of different personalities. One thing for certain is that they see each other as one big giant family at the end of the day. A rambunctious crowd one could say. But that changed a couple months ago as the cinnamon roll of class 1-A Izuku Midoriya had gone missing out seemingly nowhere.
As if there was no trace of him left, he casually went a stroll one afternoon and never came back. It wasn't until U.A got a message from the league of villains saying that their precious student was no longer on this earth as Kurogiri had sent him through a portal never to be seen again.
Whether Izuku knew it or not he was the heart and soul of class 1-A, once he was gone the mood just seems to die. Katsuki was even angrier then usual at his disappearance, Todoroki seemed to go back to his old self slightly before Izuku helped him accept his left side, Iida tried to keep everyone together but even he felt the disappearance of Izuku. The rest of guys couldn't help but somewhat feel lifeless without the one they considered a friend.
The girls of class 1-A were no better. Uraraka was heartbroken about her crush being sent off to another world entire due to the leagues sick and twisted enjoyment. Uraraka had taken the responsibility of being Eri's guardian. The little girl was devastated about Deku's disappearance as she started to cry after hearing the news.
The girls of class 1-A took charge of taking care of Eri, forming bonds with her over the months, being her older sisters or aunties depending on who you ask. But it still Eri hoped that Izuku would return one day.
AllMight the former #1 hero was beyond devastated he had promised Izuku's mother that he would protect and watch over him during his time at U.A. Now he wasn't even on the same planet as them anymore. AllMight unfortunately had to be the one to break the bad news to Ms. Midoriya. AllMight could only comfort the woman by staying by her side as she cried knowing her baby boy was gone without a trace.
Depending on how you look at the situation this caused for a relationship to blossom between the two adults as they stayed in touch with each other over the past couple of months. Somewhere down the line AllMight and Inko had found feelings for each other. Bonding over the loss of their student/son, as AllMight vowed to do everything in his power to try and find him. AllMight had also introduced Eri to Inko as she was essentially her granddaughter due to how close her and Izuku were making her his unofficial guardian.
Inko would cry tears of joy as she promised to be the greatest grandmother to Eri, until her father was brought back home. Eri noticed the similarities between her father and her now grandma, causing her to run into her arms and cry. AllMight and Inko would raise her like the grandparents they are and be there for her until Izuku had returned no matter how long that would take.
Present Day
Yet another day of waking up. Uraraka had gotten out of bed heading to the common area seeing the rest of her classmates up. Even Sato's breakfast couldn't shake the somber mood that still plagued the class.
Uraraka: "Morning everyone."
A chorus of mornings were heard but they all voided of any life. Uraraka sighed as she sat next to Tsu who looked to be as if she just cried not too long ago. Rubbing her back to ease her pain, Uraraka offered a hand to her best friend. That's the only thing she could do it's what Deku would want.
Uraraka: "Alright guys. Enough mooing around. This isn't what Deku-Kun would want us to be doing! We're the next generation of heroes for crying out loud we have to push through not only for ourselves but for him as well. Wherever he is I just know he'll be back! We just can't give up hope!"
Kirishima: "......Your right uraraka. Midorbro wouldn't want us moping around like this! We have to get back on top of things here we've been slacking!
Iida: "Your right Kirishima. As class President I failed to keep up everyone's moral well no more! This marks the end of our sad days! It's time to look ahead and be the heroes Midoriya would want us to be! Who's with me!"
One by one the fire within all of class 1-As eyes were brought back to life, sitting up one by one as they looked to their class President.
Katsuki: "Tch. That nerd knows how to motivate people even when he's not here anymore! I haven't forgotten my goal of being #1 and I'll just have to work harder to get that goal."
Todoroki: "Don't think you'll get ahead of me, Bakugo. I know it to Midoriya to continue aiming to the top. He's the one who saved me from myself after all and it's only right that I do right by him."
Kirshima: "That's the spirit! No matter where Midoriya is at I know he's out there training and saving people just like he would here. So let's not fall behind!"
Kaminari; "You guys sure know how to motivate someone when he's down. I don't whether to like that or hate it. *smirks*
Mineta: "Midoriya just has that effect on us."
Sero: "Who would've thought a fanboy like him would've impacted us all."
Suddenly a crash was heard outside of the U.A dorms causing the building to shake drastically. Surprising everyone within the radius. Thinking that it could be the League the heroes rush outside to defend themselves. The U.A staff also ran outside to check the rumble.
Once everyone made it outside, they were shocked to see a huge crater in front of the building. There also appeared to be some sort of space pod in the middle of said crater.
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Kirshima: "Woah what the heck?! Is that an actual space pod !"
Katsuki: "There's no way that's an actual space pod!
???: "Stand back everyone."
As Aizawa, Present Mic, Midnight, and Nezu make their way to the front.
Aizawa: "Be on guard we have no idea what could be inside that thing."
Suddenly, the space pod began to open as steam comes out. Everyone was ready to fight until they heard a familiar voice that stopped them in their tracks.
???: "Ow. Oh man next time I'll have Whis just teleport me back instead of using the space pod. Too cramped in here.
As the person gets out of the pod as a familiar bush of green hair was seen. Tears poured down the face of Uraraka, Iida, Kirishima, and other members of class 1-A.
???: "Hmmm. Oh guys! It's good to see you again! I finally made it back home!
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