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WHEN RAFE WALKED AWAY AND LEAVE HER all alone by herself in a place that never belonged to people like her, she decided to ditch the crowds and brought herself to somewhere more quieter and more secluded from the attention of the night

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WHEN RAFE WALKED AWAY AND LEAVE HER all alone by herself in a place that never belonged to people like her, she decided to ditch the crowds and brought herself to somewhere more quieter and more secluded from the attention of the night. She never felt this out of place before and it made her stomach churned. She had this urge to run home to Allison, or maybe to JJ.

She walked through the clubhouse, away from the loud bass of upbeat music and the chattered of people about something that she had no idea about. Her dress brushed against the grass underneath her, she didn't bother to lift it up or staining it anymore. She sauntered more into the darkness of the night, the soft breeze ruffling her hair and her exposed skins.

She knew her way around the country club since she's been working here for almost 2 years before she got fired, no thanks to Topper being a snitch. She walked even further until she spotted a bench. It's not that far from the party, she's still can see the lights and the people along with the bass of music from here. She thought it could be a place for her to take a breath.

She didn't like to see Rafe being with that girl, it made her uneasy thinking about what might happen between them and she couldn't believe he's gonna make a drug deal with her.

Was that what's normal for him? Was that what he was doing this whole time? He wasn't just doing drugs but he also sell them to people? Why she never knew about it before?

She can't help but to feel disappointed in him, he promised to be there for her and yet he chose to leave her alone with a bunch of Kooks here. Just like what he did before and that didn't end well for them. It's a good thing she refused to drink anything so she can be sober for herself.

She leaned her head up, the sky was dark and a cloudless one, full of stars. She stared at it in the silence of the moment, just trying to relax her mind when suddenly she heard a twig snapped behind her. She turned her head, curious who might be there.

"Well, what a coincidence to see a Pogue here" Topper's annoying voice breaking through the atmosphere, he was looking at her with a smug smile and a bottle of alcohol in his hand.

She gave him a weird look, especially when she can see his disheveled appearance and he did not look sober at all. But then she rolled her eyes, looking away from him. Of course he had to show up at a wrong time.

"What are you doing here, Top?" She asked, she definitely didn't want to handle anyone that can ruin her mood even more.

Topper glanced at her and chuckled, he walked closer to where she was at. He sat down beside her, without asking for her permission at all but there was still a decent distance between them.

"I could ask you the same thing. What are you doing here, away from the party all alone? I thought you're here with Rafe?" Topper asked her, still having that smug on his face as he took a gulp of alcohol from the bottle he held in his hand.

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