11 - Violence in the park

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Your P.O.V
Happiness washed over you as you saw Ty running up to you and Sans. He looked slightly out of breath, but other than that he looked completely fine. You were relieved to see that he was okay.

"What do you want, kid." Sans says, with a small growl in his voice.

Oh no... you thought. You had almost forgotten the one small fact that Sans really, really hated humans. You just hope that everything is going to turn out okay.

"Hey, I was wondering, um, where you got that cat." Ty says cautiously.

"Oh, I found her in Mind Your Own Business town, it's a great place! You should visit sometime!" Sans says. You can practically feel the sarcasm dripping off his words.

Ty doesn't miss the sarcasm either, and he doesn't take to kindly to the way Sans is talking to him.

"Well, believe it or not, it actually is my business. You see, that's my sis- um...my cat that you have there."

"Oh, is that so." Sans says, in a mocking tone.

"Yeah, it is." Ty retorts back. You can tell that he's definitely getting angry now. This isn't going so good.


Ty wasn't the only getting angry. You could tell by the look on Sans face that He. Was. Pissed.

"So, I want her back now, if you don't mind." Ty says, with a bit of a snarl in his voice.

That was a big mistake. Holding you in one arm, Sans takes his other free arm and grabs Ty's shoulder. Before anyone knew what was happening, Sans had swiftly pulled him down while bring his knee up, making direct contact with Ty's stomach.

Ty! You began to panic.

The noise you heard when Sans had kneed Ty was almost enough to make you throw up.

Ty collapsed to his knees on the ground. Pain was etched in every line on his face. Being winded from Sans attack, Ty was desperately fighting to get some air back into his lungs.

You look up at Sans in disbelief at what he just did. When you looked up, however, you saw something you had never seen before.

Sans eyes were no longer the golden irises you remembered, instead, one eye looked like it had yellow fire in it, and the other eye was completely black.

"You humans are disgusting! You threw this cat out like it was nothing more than trash, and now you want it back?! Well guess what? News flash for you, you're not getting her back, ever! I'm not just going to stand by and let you hurt her even more than you already have." Sans snarls.

Ty had finally started breathing normally again. He stood up shakily, and was glaring daggers at Sans. Ty was determined now to get you away from this monster, to protect you from him.

"Heh, you monsters should go back to the hole you crawled out of and never come back!" Ty shouted.

This seemed to hit a nerve with Sans. You could feel him start shaking with rage. Sans hand began glowing with the same fire like substance in his eye.

Ty was then engulfed in the yellow fire to. All the sudden, he was floating up in the air, and then, in an instant, he was slammed painfully into the ground.

He was then lifted once more into the air, and was sent soaring straight into a nearby tree trunk.

You couldn't stand it anymore, you had to do something to stop Sans from hurting Ty. You bite Sans hand as hard as you could. Sans yells in pain from your sudden bite.

He then smacks you on top of your head lightly, causing you to let go of his hand.

When Ty sees this, he is instantly convinced that he needs to save you from this monster. Ty gets up again and starts to run at Sans with an angry yell. He pulls back his fist, intending to punch Sans in the face.

As Ty draws nearer to Sans, however, sometimes weird happens. One moment he is in front of you, running towards you. In the next, your behind him, as though he had run right past you.

Ty stops and looks around in confusion. Sans forms his hand into a fist a draws it back. Before Ty can even find you again, Sans punched him in the back of the head, causing him to fall to the ground, unconscious.

You start hissing angrily at Sans. He ignores you and starts walking the other way. You start struggling as hard as you can, trying to get out of his arms so you could go see if Ty was alright.

"Princess! Calm down! It's alright now, so stop squirming."

But every thing was far from alright. Finding your chance, you were able to struggle out of his arms and land on the ground.

Running as fast as you could, you made a beeline straight to Ty. Before you could get far though, you suddenly felt yourself stop, then start floating in the air.

You were surrounded by a yellow light, which was coming from Sans. He was slowly bringing you back to him. You found that you couldn't struggle. It was as though an invisible hand was keeping you from moving a muscle.

When you finally got close enough to Sans, he reached out and grabbed. He then held you in an iron grip that felt like it was crushing you. Sans was making sure that you couldn't jump out of his arms again.

"We're going home." He growled softly to you.

And then, as though by magic, you were suddenly home again.

Sans gently places you on the floor and attempts to pet your head. You swipe at his hand with your claws extended. This seems to really tick off Sans.

"I don't understand why you're acting this way, Princess." He says. You can tell that he's irritated, but you don't care.

You run off to a corner of the house, somewhere far away from Sans.

A New Home (Gaster!Sans x Neko Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant