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A public service of Illinois State University
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Matching Gifts

Hundreds of community-minded companies operating in the WGLT listening area are happy to match their employees' or retirees' contributions to WGLT.

These matching corporate contributions go straight to work with your individual support: helping to pay for WGLT's public service.

How do matching gifts work?

Once you determine your employer will match your gift to WGLT, you will need to apply for the match. Some employers provide a paper application form for you to fill out and submit along with your contribution. Most employers have an online portal for matching gift requests. Contact your employer's Human Resources or Community Relations office to guide you.

To ensure your gift is matched and the funds are designated to WGLT, please identify the recipient organization as Illinois State University Foundation. If possible, add WGLT as the designated unit. Use the email address [email protected].

Ongoing monthly contributors

We suggest you wait until the end of each calendar year to apply for your employer's matching gift. This will allow you to apply once for the total amount of your giving for that calendar year. Many sustaining contributors use their year end tax receipt from the Illinois State University Foundation as a reminder to apply for their employer's matching gift. Year-end tax receipts are mailed every January.


Contact WGLT Individual Giving Director Jennifer Armstrong or call (309) 438-3581.