WHO/N. Spuhler
Participants practice media interviews during a simulation exercise
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Internship Programme: frequently asked questions


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Completing the application process

Can I apply to as many internship vacancies I want?

There is no limit to how many internship vacancies you can apply to. However, please ensure that you take the step to provide a specific cover letter for each position you apply to, rather than using one generic cover letter for all applications.

What information should I provide in my online application (Stellis)?

The application process requires completing a profile in Stellis that covers:

  • eligibility questions;
  • information on education;
  • current studies;
  • language skills and experience (including qualifications/certifications, trainings, publications and computer skills); and
  • your motivation for applying for the specific or a generic WHO internship position.


I have no professional experience. Any tips on how to complete the “Experience section”?

Students who lack professional experience may find it challenging to complete the experience section. Suggestion: review your experience considering your academic career or any activities you have done. Show how these experiences have provided you with skills and competencies to work in a team, to make decisions and to solve problems. They may relate to your current schooling or a personal situation.

How to write a motivation/cover letter?

In the statement of motivation (i.e. cover letter), write your motivation for applying to the specific or generic WHO internship that you have chosen. Describe how you feel you could contribute to the specific work outlined in the position, and how the experience of interning with WHO would be of benefit to you. Include any additional information that you feel would be relevant to facilitate the selection process. Please do not use a generic letter. Your cover letter must be customized to the specific position to which you are applying.

What information should my cover letter include?

Please specify your reasons for applying to the specific WHO internship. You are encouraged to outline the type of skills and experience you feel you could bring to WHO. The letter should not exceed three paragraphs. Please write one specific letter for each position to which you apply.

Do I need to provide documentation to prove that I have passed an officially recognized language test?

During the recruitment process, you may be requested to demonstrate that your language capabilities are at the same level that has been indicated in your application. This can include a verbal exercise and/or a request to provide formal confirmation that you have passed a specific language test.

After submitting my online internship application to a generic vacancy, do I need to take any other action to ensure that my application is reviewed by the specific department(s) that I am interested in?

You do not need to take any further action after submitting your application. Your application will be reviewed by the WHO Office to which you applied. They will contact you directly if you are short-listed for an internship.

Can I contact a WHO staff member in the department in which I am interested to ask more about the structure and tasks of the internship to which I have applied?

If you are selected for an internship, the relevant contact person from the WHO Office will be in touch with you.

How long will it take until I hear back?

Please note that only successful candidates will be contacted. However, the response time will vary. Should you not hear back within four to eight weeks after the internship vacancy closed, you can assume that you were not shortlisted this time round.

How to prepare for an interview?

If shortlisted for the WHO internship, the technical unit will contact you to conduct an interview. The interview process may also include a written test component. During the discussion, we recommend you ask as many questions and seek clarification as necessary so that you are fully aware of what would be required from you during the assignment. It is also important for you to understand what the learning experience would provide to you and encourage you to ask questions related to the learning objectives indicated within the position description.

I was not selected for an internship, can I still apply to other internships?

Yes, you are welcome to apply again to any internship vacancy for which you meet the minimum eligibility criteria.


General information

If I am accepted, what kind of work will I be doing?

The internship position for which you applied defines the type of tasks that you will be assigned during your internship at WHO. If you applied to a generic internship vacancy notice, the specific terms of reference will be discussed with during the interview process.

How long is a WHO internship?

The duration of WHO internships is between a minimum of six (6) weeks and up to a maximum of 24 weeks. These weeks must be consecutive. The total duration of each individual internship will be determined by the technical unit, according to the needs of the work and other factors. Each internship, regardless of the total duration, is a complete, full time internship. An individual can only undertake one internship with WHO.

Do I need to be at the WHO Office full-time?

Internships at WHO are full-time. In Geneva, interns are expected to work Monday to Friday, eight hours per day.  The working days and hours might differ in each duty station. The working days and hours will be discussed as part of the interview process.

Can I split my internship in two locations, undertaking part of it in one country and part of it in another?

The internship can be undertaken in one location only. It is not possible to split it between two locations.

Due to university requirements, I can undertake an internship only between specific dates. Is it possible to do so?

If you are shortlisted for an internship position, and contacted by a WHO Office for an interview, you will discuss your availability directly with the technical unit. Most internship positions posted to the website provide information about the specific time period for the advertised internship. If you know that you will not be available for the indicated time period, please kindly refrain from applying to that position.

Will my internship be evaluated?

At the end of an internship you will participate in an evaluation conducted by your supervisor. The evaluation will be electronically filed in WHO HR records.

Will I receive a certificate at the end of my internship at WHO?

Yes, certificates are issued to individual interns upon request. In addition, each intern may ask their supervisor to write a letter of recommendation at the end of their internship.

Can I write my thesis during my internship at WHO?

There is no provision for writing your thesis during your internship. If you are selected for an internship, you would need to discuss this request with your supervisor, as any arrangements would be at their discretion. However, please note that when accepting the internship you are not allowed to disclose or make use of any unpublished or confidential information that comes to your knowledge in the course of your assignment and, except with the express authorization of the World Health Organization, you are not permitted to publish any reports or papers on the basis of information obtained during the assignment, both during and after the completion of the assignment.

My school/sponsor requires me to obtain an agreement provided by my school/sponsor and signed by WHO. Will this be possible?

The relationship for an internship is directly between WHO and the intern candidate only. All agreements are issued by WHO only, as a legal document of the Organization. WHO does not agree to sign any agreements proposed or required by a sponsor, university or equivalent institution. The only document that WHO signs is the WHO Internship Offer Letter which must be countersigned directly by the intern candidate as a condition to start any internship.

My university career service would like to sign a framework agreement with WHO on placing interns, who should they contact?

WHO does not enter into any framework agreements with any external entities concerning the placement of interns.

Will WHO help in finding suitable accommodation?

The Organization does not assist intern candidates in identifying accommodation. However, information and tips on finding accommodation is provided within the official “WHO Welcome Guide for Interns” or briefing notes, depending on the duty station. When identifying accommodation, we recommend abstaining from making advance payments or providing “guarantee sums” in advance of your arrival (and advise you NOT to wire funds to Western Union or banks outside the duty station).

Can I be recruited as a WHO staff member after my internship?

The WHO Internship programme is not connected with WHO employment activities and there should be no expectation of such. The purpose of the internship programme is to complement an interns’ studies. WHO interns are not eligible for appointment to any non-staff position within WHO for a period of three months following the end of their internship. However, no such restriction will apply to temporary or longer-term staff positions if the vacancy has been advertised and a competitive process completed. Any employment with WHO shall be subject to established recruitment and selection procedures. Interns and former interns are free to apply as external candidates to any vacant positions open to external candidates and for which they are qualified.



I am interested in submitting an internship application, but I completed my formal qualification a few months ago. Am I still eligible to apply?

Individuals are eligible to apply up to six months following the completion of their formal qualification.

Can doctoral (PHD) students apply for an internship?

Yes, doctoral (PHD) students are eligible for internships.

I am enrolled in an undergraduate degree, can I apply? An undergraduate degree is acceptable provided you have completed at least three years of full-time study towards the completion of this degree prior to the start date of the internship. I am undertaking an online Masters degree, am I still eligible to apply?

Yes, online degrees may be eligible, depending on the workload and accreditation status of the university.

I am not currently enrolled in a degree programme. Can I still apply for an internship?

Candidates may apply for an internship if they submit their application to the internship position vacancy within six months of completion of their last qualification.

Which language(s) do I need to be fluent in?

You will be required to be fluent in one of the working languages of the office of assignment. The specific language will depend on the location of the internship and will be indicated within the vacancy to which you apply. Some internships may require knowledge of more than one language. Please note that WHO official languages are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish but may vary from region to region. In some duty stations knowledge of the local language can be an asset.

Do I need to provide documentation to prove that I have passed an officially recognized language test?

During the recruitment process, you may be requested to demonstrate that your language capabilities are at the same level that has been indicated in your application.

What type of visa or other permissions do I need to undertake an internship at WHO?

Please note that an intern cannot, under any circumstances, undertake an internship in the host country of the duty station on a tourist visa. It is the responsibility of the individual intern to obtain any necessary visas. When selected, intern candidates are provided with a letter confirming their internship and can also request a specific visa support letter from their WHO Office. Both letters can be used as support documents for a visa application. Candidates applying to Swiss internships: Please note that internship activities with an International Organization that take place within Swiss territory is considered to fall under the category of gainful employment by the Swiss authorities. Intern candidates must check with the Swiss Embassy in their country about the type of visa that will be required for them to undertake an internship with WHO in Switzerland. Everyone has a unique personal travel history, and sometimes combination of passport(s) and nationalities and will need to see what will be required for them specifically. All costs for visas are borne by the intern candidate.


Provisions for WHO interns

Is an intern entitled to days off during the internship period?

Interns are entitled to take personal time off during the WHO internship, which is the equivalent of 2.5 days per month. Interns may choose to use these each month, or to accrue days over the period of the internship, in agreement with the supervisor.

Is an intern entitled to sick leave?

An intern is not expected to work if he/she is unwell, but it is important that the Organization is informed of any absences. Notification requirements follow the same standard practice as is required by staff members.

Does WHO provide medical and accident insurance for interns?

Yes, WHO provides all interns with medical and accident insurance for the duration of their internship period. Confirmation of this insurance will be found within the Terms & Conditions section of the Internship Offer Letter.

Can I get financial support from WHO?

As of January 2020, interns may be eligible to receive financial support from WHO. The maximum amount possible is indicated within each internship position vacancy and will differ according to the location of the duty station where the internship will take place. In case of a generic vacancy notice, information will be provided at the interview stage. 

Will WHO provide meal vouchers?

Depending on the duty station location and facilities, interns may be provided with specific meal vouchers to be used during the business days (Monday – Friday), or with a cash amount to be used towards lunch meals on business days.  Interns based in Geneva receive daily lunch vouchers of a value of CHF 15 accepted in WHO cafeterias. For other duty stations, the arrangements and amounts will be communicated to you during the interview process.

Will travel expenses to and from the duty station by reimbursed by WHO?

The approved travel cost for some interns from least developed and middle-income countries may be covered.

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