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WHO's Global Health Strategy and General Programme of Work

WHO’s Global Health Strategy (GHS) and General Programme of Work (GPW) is a strategic document that sets a high-level roadmap and agenda for WHO's work on global health. Each edition describes the Organization's priorities and strategic direction for a specified period. The Strategy also provides a framework for resource allocation and decision-making for WHO.

The Strategy is developed in consultation with Member States, experts and stakeholders across the global health ecosystem and beyond for multi-year periods. It is approved by the World Health Assembly.

It is also the basis for WHO’s biennial Programme Budget, which translates the global health strategy into the Organization’s strategic deliverables and budget requirements for a biennium. It sets out the details of what will be achieved and indicates the resources required for their achievement. The WHO Results Framework, in addition to measuring progress towards the Strategy and GPW goals and targets, informs WHO's own reporting on results which are summarized and communicated through the WHO Results Reports and the WHO Programme Budget Portal.

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