Other contractual arrangements
WHO contracts subject matter experts to provide time-limited, project-focused professional level support to attain specific programme deliverables. These are not employment contracts and remain outside the scope of the WHO Staff Rules and Regulations.
Special Services Agreements (SSA)
An SSA is a contract between the Organization and a national or resident of a host country. WHO use SSA contracts for either long or short assignments on a specific national projects or activities; including for services of a technical or administrative support nature.
- Rates of pay are determined in consultation with the Government and are in line with the practices of the UN agencies in the same country and are paid in local currency. Should SSA holders have a continuing pension fund, and/or life insurance commitments, WHO may meet those costs for the duration of the agreement, up to the maxima applicable locally.
- As SSA contract holders are not staff, their rights and obligations are according to the terms and conditions in their contract.
- Contracts do not usually exceed one year but it may be renewed for further maximum periods of one year at a time.