European Immunization Agenda 2030


The European Immunization Agenda 2030 (‎EIA2030)‎ is a vision and strategy, designed and crafted by the Member States, for achieving the full benefits of vaccination in the WHO European Region for the next decade. EIA2030 builds on the successes and lessons learned through implementation of the European Vaccine Action Plan 2015–2020. It also incorporates the lessons learned and best practices identified in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and deploying COVID-19 vaccines, which have underlined the need to strengthen health service policies, delivery and practices, from the local to national levels. By strengthening immunization systems, EIA2030 will help to:

  • reduce mortality and morbidity caused by diseases preventable through vaccination;
  • increase equitable access to new and existing vaccines for everyone regardless of age, identity and geographic location;
  • strengthen primary health care and thereby contribute to achieving universal health coverage and sustainable development.
WHO Team
The European Immunization Agenda 2030, Vaccine-Preventable Diseases and Immunization (VIF)
World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Reference numbers
ISBN: 9789289056052