Global RECAP Programme - Phase I
The Programme’s first phase (Global RECAP I) was implemented by IDLO and WHO, in coordination with IDRC, with financial support from OFID and SDC from January 2019 to 30 June 2022.
Global RECAP I was designed to build regulatory and fiscal capacity and linkages among different sectors (government, civil society, academia) needed to support the development, adoption, implementation and monitoring of regulatory and fiscal policy interventions to promote healthy diets and physical activity, in five main policy areas above. For each policy area prioritized in the five initial participating countries, the Programme was designed to support countries in building enabling environments for evidence-informed, coherent, and equitable public policies and government interventions to promote healthier diets and active living, complementing WHO’s ongoing work in these policy areas.
Throughout its implementation cycle, and despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Programme registered significant progress towards its goal. Policy progress in countries in Phase I towards regulatory and fiscal policy reform, including main achievements and contributions and how these are intended to be built upon to achieve regulatory and policy reform, is summarized here.