On 16-17 October 2007, the 7th meeting of the UN Road Safety Collaboration was hosted by WHO in Geneva, Switzerland. The 35 participants represented a variety of global road safety organizations, donors, governments and NGOs. The main objective of the meeting was to review the functioning of the Collaboration over the past three years and to identify strategic directions and priority activities for the coming years.
The group agreed that the Collaboration should continue to be the main forum for coordination of the agencies working in international road safety. A number of major activities were identified for future focus, including the Second UN Road Safety Week, Remembrance Day, preparing the Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, supporting countries to strengthen their road safety activities and monitor progress.
Participants also agreed that a small Steering Committee should be formed to help guide the growing Collaboration, and that criteria for membership in the Collaboration should be developed. Finally, the Collaboration reviewed a draft resolution that will be discussed in the United Nations General Assembly early in 2008, sponsored by the Sultanate of Oman.