High-priority Health services for Humanitarian response (H3 package)


The H3 Package defines a set of prioritized health interventions that can feasibly be delivered to populations affected by humanitarian crises during protracted emergencies. It has been designed to promote accountability of humanitarian partners to affected populations and assist with linkages to national service packages. This work was developed by the Global Health Cluster and WHO in collaboration with humanitarian partners. The H3 Package is a starting point and should be adapted to fit the local burden of disease, service delivery platforms, and existing health system capacity. The H3 Package is accessible through WHO’s online portal, the Service Planning, Delivery & Implementation (SPDI) Platform (https://uhcc.who.int/uhcpackages/packages/global/), which can be used for this contextualization.

WHO Team
Clinical Services and Systems (CSY), Emergency Response (WRE), Global Health Cluster (GHC), WHO Health Emergencies Programme (WHE)
Reference numbers
ISBN: 9789240089440