Upcoming Events
Geodynamic Seminar Series: It’s Not Just Ice: Antarctic Geology and Geochemistry
Clark 507 360 Woods Hole Road, WOODS HOLE, MASpeaker to be announced Sponsored by: DDVPSE - Clark 507
Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Thesis: Cross-Frontal Exchange at the US Northeast Shelfbreak
Clark 507 360 Woods Hole Road, WOODS HOLE, MALukas L. Taenzer, MIT-WHOI Joint Program Sponsored by: Academic Programs Office - Clark 507 This will be a hybrid seminar held in Clark 507. If you wish to join virtually, you can register via the Zoom link here: https://mit.zoom.us/meeting/register/9zwClVZbTFiX0oKVL02sdQ
Woods Hole Public Library 581 Woods Hole Road, Woods Hole, MAThe library will host a St. Patrick’s Day screening of a new film adapted from the Booker Prize nominated novel by Claire Keegan, Small Things Like These, on Monday, March 17, at 6 p.m. The story takes place over Christmas in 1985, when devoted father and coal merchant Bill Furlong (Cillian Murphy) discovers startling secrets…
Physical Oceanography Department Hybrid Seminar: Title to be announced
Clark 507 360 Woods Hole Road, WOODS HOLE, MABen Barr, WHOI Sponsored by: Physical Oceanography Department - Clark 507 This will be a hybrid seminar held in Clark 507. If you wish to join virtually, you can access the Zoom link here: https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/j/96050868877?pwd=ZGVzdlhOQWRsMlA0SGVtMkFBdzExQT09
AOP&E Department Hybrid Seminar: A Journey into Multiscale Wind–Wave Interactions
Smith Conference Room 86 Water Street, Woods Hole, MATianyi Li, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Sponsored by: AOP&E Department - Smith Conference Room This will be a virtual seminar. You can access the Zoom link here: https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/s/95997197570 Meeting ID: 959 9719 7570 Dial in: 646 558 8656
MBL Falmouth Forum: Disruptive Evolution: Transforming Higher Education, the 4Cs Way
Cornelia Clapp AuditoriumJohn L. Cox, Cape Cod Community College Sponsored by: MBL - Cornelia Clapp Auditorium This will be a hybrid seminar held in the Cornelia Clapp Auditorium. If you wish to join virtually, you can register here: https://mbl.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7eLHa1VYRZ-3S8D2mgnoDQ#/registration The Falmouth Forum is supported by the Falmouth Forum Endowment, the Bakalar Endowed Director's Discretionary Fund, and the…