Sonic's new adventure unfolds from a storybook of the classic tale, Arabian Nights, the last several pages from the book have gone missing, and it's up to Sonic to re-create the story. The vibrant environments provide for a refreshingly new look to the franchise filled with brightly colored mosaic tiles, glistening oases, swaying palm trees, and crumbling stone columns. Sonic activates specific areas in the prismatic environment to pull off new tricks and stunts, in addition to interacting head-on with various obstacles by jumping, dodging, and dashing.
"Sonic Wild Fire and the innovative Wii controller changes the way gamers play interactive entertainment," said Scott A. Steinberg, Vice President of SEGA of America, Inc. "SEGA is excited to lead the gameplay revolution through its support of Wii with a Sonic release built exclusively for this new system."
Gamers will use the Wii controller to steer Sonic and experience an untapped freedom in gameplay and control. Hold the controller horizontally with two hands and tilt left and right to steer Sonic on different paths and maneuver deftly from obstacles and enemies. Continue to tilt and fling forward to dash-attack ground and air enemies and to break down barriers. In addition to the main game is an array of unique controller-focused mini-games which make Sonic Wild Fire fun to play alone or as a multiplayer game with friends. Get ready for a refreshing adventure that puts you on the forefront of gaming!
The Sonic series has hit many homes since its '91 debut. Its fast paced action and blurring backgrounds caused many to wow with wonder. Sonic and the Secret Rings is the blue blur's newest adventure, and it's pretty quick on its feet. Now, I have been a long-time sonic full review
WG: We all know 3D Sonic games are for the most part, not so great, to put it nicely. But there are always... read more
Jason Pilcher: The game that Sonic fans have been waiting for. Sonic and the Secret Rings is finally here. Sonic is back in... read more
Captain Jamesman: I must say, this game is really great! I just got it today and thought it kicked ass. I was a little nervous... read more
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User comments
Zabdiel Rivera said:
This one looks fun. I wonder how they will implement the Wii controls on this game. Well, here's for a great Sonic game.
big lord face said:
I bet the controls will be hard but FUN!
SSBB Master said:
This looks fun! I heard the Babylon Rouges from Sonic Riders are gonna be in this game also.
OTKSotHQ said:
Truly THE BEST SONIC GAME EVER!(next to the 15th anniversery game for PS3 and Xbox 360).
Turbohog said:
No, only Sonic!
Super Matt said:
I saw it at E3, looks awesome! Where did you hear Jet and co were going to be in it?
cubeboy101 said:
Wii get true speeder sonic with all new controls. PS3/360 get YET ANOTHER Sonic Adventures type game, hummmm.
Just some guy said:
My pal told me about this. It looks AWESOME! He also told me that Jet and Co. are gonna be in it, but I don't know where the info came from.
Epsilon said:
SWEET! A game thats actually focused on Sonic. I remember buying SA2 and although it was fun, I was annoyed because Sonic had only two or three stages. BTW: So far it's only a rumor that the Babylon Rogues will be in Sonic Wildfire. It hasn't been confirmed yet. Oh, and for controls, you hold the controller horizontally (like this -, not this |) and you tilt it like a steering wheel as Sonic goes along a (mostly) set path.
SSBB Master said:
I got the info about Jet and Co. from Wikipedia, although it was only speculated.
quartzlcc said:
I'm looking forward to this game a lot.
Yay said:
YAAAAY! They're making a Sonic game on wii, this has to be great.
Reaper said:
Sorry don't get your hopes up, remember the "special stage" from Sonic 2 (sega gens/mastersystem)? Exactly the same, except with more enemies thrown in. I mean you can only move left and right for petes sake.
sonic lover said:
I love Sonic but seeing the video for it, it may not be good.
Justin said:
I agree with Reaper, moving left and right does seem a little complicated. But it probably won't be that crazy if you get used to playing it a while. I also hope they have a cooler looking Super Sonic.
PANIC! @ the disco!! said:
What do you mean it may not be good? Of course it's going to be good!
George McHill said:
Sorry Sonic next-gen looks better and this is kinda sketchy though people enjoyed playing it.
sonic lover said:
Well read my name I'm NOT putting down Sonic. I also said that about Shadow the hedgehog, but when I played it I loved it until I found out you have to beat it 10 times.
sonic lover 2 said:
I love Sonic, I have the Sega and all the Sonic games. The good thing about the Wii is you can download a lot of classics including Sonic.
sonic lover said:
Hey sonic lover 2 get a new name.
SSBB Master said:
I heard that Sonic will actually be trapped inside a book in this game. I hope Super Sonic is fully playable in this game.
death1213 said:
I hope you can play as Shadow in this game.
DEMON5007 said:
Hey Epsilon, Sonic had about 6 stages plus all of the boss battles ;). I really wish that Super Sonic is fully playble. That feeling of full badassness as you plowed, unstoppable through those powerless enemies. It probably won't happen, though. I don't know how good this game could be, but I hope it's good.
Lightchu said:
I like Sonic games because they rule. If what SSBB Master said is true, then I hope you can control Jet and co in multiplayer mode.
quartzlcc said:
Ugh, Shadow in the game? I hope to the devil that that's NOT going to happen. Sonic Next-gen will be like 100 times better, but this will be quite cool too! ^^
Someone cooler than you said:
Hey, a Sonic game! They should add Mario, Toad and Waluigi! AHAHA! Revenge for Super Smash Bros. Brawl :P
LordRandom said:
To be honest, I think I'd prefer if there was a Wii version of Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 that's coming out on PS3 and Xbox 360. This game feels too much like a driving game to me.
Gina the Bat said:
Can't wait!
SSBB Master said:
Now that I look at it, this game does look like the special stage from Sonic 2. I have a feeling this game will have a low score but not lower then Shadow the Hedgehog.
Shirobon said:
Lovin' it.
Someone cooler than you said:
Is Sonic on fire in that last picture?
DEMON5007 said:
Hmmm I thought that Blaze the Cat was the one who handled the fire moves. Maybe Blaze will play some role in this game. It could be a sequel to Sonic Rush. Sonic could get trapped in Blaze's demension just as they close up the space/time rift that Eggman caused. Y'know, just thinking out loud.
SSBB Master said:
Some rumors say that Sonic the hedgehog 2006 for the Xbox 360 and PS3 is the sequel to Sonic Rush since all the characters from SR including Blaze will appear.
LordRandom said:
I just don't see why PS3 and Xbox 360 get a better Sonic game than us. No fair! We should be getting the better Sonic games because Sonic's been on Nintendo longer than PS and Xbox.
Sonic The Hedgehog said:
I really appreciate you guys writing good things about my new game. I sure hope Sega's having me fight tougher bosses and enemies. And guys, stop writing stuff about my 15th Annivesiry game. The only reason you all think it's a cool game is because of the graphics, that slow time travelling hedgehog named Silver and the stages. If it wasn't for all that it would suck says Knuckles, but screw him. Wild Fire is my best game yet, so buy it and enjoy. Let's go Tails!
Sonic the true master said:
The controls for it are awesome. Sonic the hedgehog for the 360 can go jump in a ditch.
LordRandom said:
Sonic, we don't love that game for its graphics. Wait, do we? Well, I just feel more comfortable to play a game similarly to how I've always played it. The controls for SWF belong to games like NFS and so on, not for platform games.
Ja-Mez said:
Maybe Eggman won't be the enemy this time, it could be Black Doom or those weird alien robots that Cosmo is against in Sonic X the cartoon.
1 up mushroom said:
Hey whoever you are YOU ARE NOT SONIC THE HEDGEHOG! We're not dumb you know!
Someone cooler than you said:
Oh my God! The REAL Sonic the Hedgehog posted here! Seriously, you messed up on that. Sonic wouldn't break the fourth wall and post about his new game and complain about an old one. AND why wouldn't Soinc know anything about his game? You get an F. See me after class so I can push you out the window.
Sonic The Hedgehog said:
The graphics are way better on Wild Fire, but the stages are cooler on my 15th Anniversiry game. I sure hope I'm not the only hero on the game, maybe Blaze might stop by. I'm glad you feel comfortable playing my 15th Anniversiry game LordRandom and I hope you like it. I'm coming Tails!
Justin said:
Hey guys, get off Sonic's butt. Of course he's the real Sonic, why would he hope he'd fight tougher bosses? It's an honor to finally meet you Sonic, this is awesome!
Someone cooler than you said:
Boy, Sonic sure likes to spend time with Tails after posting, *coughgaycough*. Seriously, you better get outta here Sonic before Mario posts and a flame war starts.
Shadow the Hedgehog said:
Hey Sonic, stop posting because you are not the real Sonic! Of course you're not Sonic because you're really Noah of Nintendo Bunker! And I'm not really Shadow either, I'm actually 1-up Mushroom! ^o^
LordRandom said:
Just another thing, does Eggman look like a regular human ('cept for the 'stache) in this game like in StH'06? IMO, his human real-life actor version looks scary. Oh, and I was using 'real-life actor' as a metaphor.
Justin said:
Sonic! You can stay and post whatever you want, I got your back.
Sonic The Hedgehog said:
Thanks Justin, you're a true fan, not like others. I can't believe you guys think I'm not Sonic, only one cool kid on this website knows I'm the real deal. So if you don't believe, then STOP posting stuff about Wild Fire. I rest my case!
SSBB Master said:
I got your back too. I am your BIG fan, believe it Sonic! I know you're real! BTW this is getting off topic. Start talking about Wild Fire!
Yoh Asakura Rockz said:
I wonder what the difference will be between this and the XBox 360 + PS3 version.
1 up Mushroom said:
Noah of Nintendo Bunker, stop posting as Sonic the Hedgehog! I know it's you.
Lord Random said:
I don't care if you're the real Sonic or not, but getting views from Sonic's POV is still cool though.
Someone Cooler Than You said:
(Pretends to be Pac-Man) Waka Waka! Don't listen to Sonic! Come play my new game: Pac-Man Wii! It's way better than Sonic Wild Fire! Let's go, Clyde!
Someone Cooler Than You said:
(As Raymnan) Hey! Don't play this lame game, play Rayman Raving Rabbids! It's way cooler! Let's go, Globox!
Someone Cooler Than You said:
(As Pikachu) Pika! Pika pik! Pika Pokemon Revolution! Pika chu pika! Let's go, Jigglypuff!
Someone Cooler Than You said:
(As Mario) Mama-Mia! Why are you-a playing this crap-a game? You should-a be playing Super Mario-a Galaxy! Let's-a go, Luigi!
Someone Cooler Than You said:
(As Wario) Wahaha! Buy my new game: WarioWare Smooth Moves! Buy it today! Buy it NOW! Wahahaha! Let's go, Waluigi!
Someone Cooler Than You said:
Boy, a lot of video game characters sure are breaking the fourth wall these days!
miles said:
Hey Sonic or should I say Noah, stop posting as Sonic because like 1 up said you're not. Just like I'm not Tails I'm ss4luigi. You're just making yourself look like a bigger douch than you already are Noah. I'm changing back now.
JD said:
(As Link) Skaag! Hyaah! Crap Game! Play The! Turiyaag! Legend of Zelda! Hoo! Heyaahg! Twilight! Yaah! Princess! Let's go, Zelda! Heheh. Sorry, I ripped you off, Someone Cooler Than You.
Lord Random said:
And I thought I was random.
king of the shark's said:
Well he could be the real Sonic, and I seriously do believe in Sonic. He could be in a another dimension, every video game character could be, you got to think about it.
Someone Cooler Than You said:
(As Samus) Hey, don't play this game! Come and hunt some aliens in Metroid Prime 3! Let's go, Metroid!
ss4luigi12 said:
(As Bob Ross) Now what are you all doing over here? Come and comment on my game "Bob Ross Painting". I'll bring you to a dimension of bored you've never been. Let's go, paintbrushes!
1 up Mushroom said:
Not to offend Sonic in any way but 3D Sonic games wern't just good enough. I liked the 2D Sonic games better. I even still play it! Sonic and Knuckles were the best in my opinion.
king of the shark's said:
I hope this game is multiplayer. See I'm talking about the game, why can't you?
SSBB Master said:
Hey you're not the only one king of the shark's. If this game has multiplayer, I think Jet and co will be playable. Wonder if this game has bosses? See I'm talking about this game too.
Juan Bond said:
Sega better be creative on this one. The past 3d sonic games were terrible (especially Sonic Heroes).
TehB0n5lyK1n9 said:
I think Noah likes this game, he hasn't posted.
kiki itachi said:
Shark king what are you smoking?
TehB0n5lyK1n9 said:
(As Aang) Bob Ross wants to control your minds! Come over here to Avatar. We'll break the noggins of every firebender around. Let's go Katara!
king of the shark's said:
Not again with acting like other people! Stop, please stop.
Koen van Beeck said:
(As me) Why the hell are you RPing? I agree with King o' sharks. Why can't you just talk about the game, like you're supposed to?
Killer Ape said:
(making fun of people acting as other people) Yea guys I'm dumb, I don't want people to play Sonic Wild Fire. Let's go Bob Saget!
TehB0n5lyK1n9 said:
(as someone with a sense of humor) Why can't people have fun every once in a while? SCTY just happened to present a bit of inspiration, and when you talk about the game you don't have to say something like "Oh look at me, I'm talking about the game and therefore I'm superior to everyone else!" SHADDUP!
kiraMeki said:
Yay! A post without Noah of Nintendo Bunker saying something ridiculous. This is going to be one of the best in the Sonic series yet. Although, I have to admit Shadow The Hedgehog was pretty good.
Someone Cooler Than You said:
(As Noah of Nintendo Bunker) Hey, this game looks terrible! The graphics are lame! Bah! Sonic is gay because I say it is! Booo! Let's go, Teletubbies!
Lord Random said:
Hey SCTY you really aren't very cool, y'know. I just wish you would stop whining about people that are RP'ing on these sections. 'Tis true, you railed on someone for acting as Vegeta on the DBZ section, and now you've also taken the smeg out of all the RP'ers on this section. Give it a rest, mate.
'Cooler Than You said:
I'm not the only one here that doesn't like people that pretend to be video game characters, Lord Random.
ShiroBon said:
Sonic Wild Fire does look cool. And not ALL of the 3-D sonic games are bad. Examples: SA2B, SADX, Riders, Shadow the hedgehog (to a point).
Lord Random said:
True, but I haven't noticed anyone making as big a deal out of it as you have STCY.
'Cooler Than You said:
I'll stop making a big deal out of it once people stop doing it.
ihatedama430 said:
SA Battle was good, haven't played DX, Riders is too hard to control and is only half a game, SHADOW SUCKED! Heroes was decent. I'm looking forward bigtime to Wildfire, as EGM said that the camera wasn't the reason why they were dying - it was their own stupidity.
Lord Random said:
(to 'CTY) Well that's tough. Those people find it fun so they're gonna carry on doing it. Just live with it, 'k?
Hey said:
I like video games, but not enough to pose as a hedgehog. Besides, if Sonic was real he would probably respect peoples' opinions.
Lord Random said:
Hey, can you please live with it? Please? You'll be doing everyone a huge favour.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl said:
I hope Shadow is not in this game. I HATE that DUMB STUPID Shadow the Hedgehog!
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl said:
Sonic is so cool! I even got a big Sonic stuffed animal (and Knuckles too). I like Sonic games so much that one of my friends calls me Sonic Girl!
Yo "Someone Cooler Than You" you said earlier that a lot of video game characters are breaking the fourth wall. Well NO ONE breaks the fourth wall like DEADPOOL can! Speaking of breaking the fourth wall, the only Sonic character that has done that on a regular basis is Dr. Eggman the greatest super villain of all time. Do you think the new Eggman will be in sonic wildfire? And if so will he still have his theme song? (which by the way is the best theme song of all time). This Eggman seems a lot more serious, but I think that he will still have a mild silly streak.
Shadow Killer said:
Shadow sucks! He is the worst Sonic character (in addition to Eggman). I hope that sucker is not in this game, that freak is a demon version of Sonic!
Killer Ape said:
What! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrl how can you hate Shadow?
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl said:
I hate Shadow! He is a gothic hedgehog who only has rage for an emotion and too much black looks gothic!
Flamic said:
Shadow is not a demon version of Sonic, he is a whole different hedgehog. Technically Sonic would be the one copying Shadow due to the fact that Shadow is 50 years older.
Hey said:
I hope they use real music. The music in the past Sonic games... scared me.
Ja-Mez said:
It's gonna begin, of who's gonna win, knowing the danger that lies within, (forgot this part) I am the EGGMAN! That's what I am! The EGGMAN! I got the master plan! The EGGMAN! That's what I am! The EGGMAN! I got the master plan! I will take over the world with my tools! I want all to stick by my rules! (something something something) don't let me tell you again, don't forget my name!
PHiRE said:
Hehehe that's awesome Ja-Mez. Wish I had heard it.
Killer Ape said:
Grrrrrrrrrrrrl Shadow is not gothic. Ever heard of the game Shadow the Hedgehog? Yea well he used guns in his game and he could drive cars. Now Sonic, I like him he's sweet but all he does is roll in a ball.
Powerboy said:
Shadow the hedgehog sucked! I'm glad Sonic doesn't use a gun! Sonic doesn't just roll into a ball, ever heard of Sonic wind hmm? Sonic Battle? Shadow was cool in SAB2 but nowhere else!
Riley said:
Knuckles and Tails should be playable. Knuckles can punch through obstacles and glide. Tails can fly.
Mario said:
I'm-a sorry. I-a shouldn't post a-bad things about games-a. Sorry Sonic. Lets-a-go Bowser. MAMMAMIA! BOWSER! Eat-a Fire Ball! Lets-a-go Peach!
JD said:
Man, that was incredibly random.
Vortex said:
This is gonna be a rad game but people are putting it down for stupid reasons. You know what? I'm a huge Sonic Fan. I'm sure all of us are, if you're not, leave. Sonic Next Gen is really gonna suck to tell the truth. For one it's gonna involve real humans, that's what Sonic Adventure tried to do and it didn't turn out so good. Sonic Adventure 2 though, it rocked. It has Silver in it, he's a slow Sonic wannabe yeah, he has Telekenitic powers, woopde doo. No one really cares. The Sonic franchise was based off the fact that it's a high speed game and that's what I want. Heck yes I want to play Next Gen, but it's gonna be like Shadow the Hedgehog, bad. The thing that they can really improve on in Wildfire is having all the characters playable in Multiplayer mode, and when I say all I mean ALL. Even those comic book ones like Sally and of course, Scratch and Grounder need to return. The characters should be able to do things like Knuckles in racing levels, instead of just Shadow and Amy and whatnot. Plus they need to make this game more like the Sonic Adventure series.
Ja-Mez said:
Powerboy's right. Guns are for those too weak to fight back! Shadow can do better than that.
Darunia106 said:
I agree that game stunk and pretty much every other 3d Sonic game except for Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. That one was awesome, despite the fact you could only be Sonic in 5 levels and Shadow in only 4. Let's hope Wild Fire will get the franchise back on track. (Get it? Track? Sonic??.. yeah, I don't get it either).
Lord Random said:
ShTH was a tacky one, had its good and bad points. Same goes for every other Sonic game really, yes that includes SA2B. Oh and Vortex, Sega don't have the copyrights to the comic characters, so they can't just put 'em in just because someone wants them there. I had to put up with that fact in Sonic Riders, which could've been just that 1% better if Sega had gotten permission to have Manic in it. So a word of advice, don't get your hopes up.
Cooler Than You said:
(Kicks "Mario". Game Over music starts). And Lord Random: You told me to get over the fact that people role play. Well YOU need to get over the fact that people make fun of people who role play, ok?
Starfox said:
Bet you weren't expecting me Sonic! You're not the real Sonic so go run into rings as they mysteriously disappear at your touch, never to be seen again until you hit one enemy, on which your ring count goes down to zero but only ten appear on screen. And do a barrel roll while you're at it!
BlueJ123 said:
I'm just going to tell you what I honestly think. I'm a fan of Sonic games and I just want to compare the next two games. This new Sonic for the Wii does have a greater "on rails" factor to it, considering the fact that you can't really control Sonic making full 90 degree turns. While the game itself might feel like the bonus stages from Sonic 2 or Sonic Rush, those were quite fun but not what I would call "main game material". This Sonic might still incorporate new features that spice up the action. The next gen Sonic does have prettier graphics and a more inclusive control scheme which may deepen the actual feeling of immersion in the game. Also if you compare trailers, the next gen Sonic does seem to be moving maybe twice as fast as Wii Soni, and there is more of a sense of speed. Watch the videos for yourself and see. I don't know if anyone else has given this any thought, but the second "fireball" collectable feels like it was just put in there for the sake of difference. In Sonic, I really don't want to worry about collecting things other than rings. In short, Sonic and the Secret Rings (formerly Sonic Wildfire) may still be fun, but not as fun as next gen Sonic. But I've been let down before so I'm ready for anything.
Lord Random said:
Well excuse me "Cooler than you", but you're the one who acts like a Saturday morning cartoon villain, making an impression that having fun should be against the law. People RP because they find it fun, so let 'em have their fun. Oh, and I'm against people that make fun of RP'ers because that's what I do. So understand this: I won't shut up until you do.
Killer Ape said:
Why change the name of this game? It's dumb "Sonic and the Secret Ring". But it must be about some secret ring. Also the name sucks!
lightchu said:
The new name sounds like Harry Potter! And to those that are being mean to each other you guys should be banned from posting a comment. That goes for you Mario and Sonic or should I say Noah? No wonder you have not posted for a while.
Amy Rose said:
This game sounds fun, but I should have my own game. Can you imagine Amy Adventure DX, Amy Adventure 2 Battle, Amy Riders, or Amy Heroes!?
ganondorfrules said:
The RP'ing is definitely now getting out of hand. I can take so much of it, it's funny at first but then you guys continue and push it too far. I can see why cooler than you is getting annoyed but he did at the wrong time. Lord random let him do it all he wants and then you can pay him out all you want, but think about it these posts would be so much more bloody interesting if people would actually talk bout the game. I really think that 3 quarters of this thing was RP'ing and that's just ridiculous. I came here to read peoples opinions on the game, not read about people who think they are the person and probably bought a costume too of the character and wears it every time he comes on this site.
cokie master said:
I prefered Wild Fire, that title is a lot better than the Secret Rings.
Lord Random said:
I guess you have a point, ganondorfrules. The RP'ing is actually going too far on this particular topic, but Cooler Than you was taking it too seriously. He was RP'ing to take the mick at one point, which really annoyed me. Okay, I RP'ed on some of the other topics, but only once or twice. Once or twice is okay, and thrice is mildly acceptable. However, Cooler than you made out that it should be illegal to RP. But it is getting out of hand here. It's not a problem anywhere else though, so I hope he stops complaining except on this topic.
Sonic Fan said:
This game looks awesome, can't wait to play it. What Sonic Team should do is put Sonic the hedgehog (ps3, 360 version) on the wii. That way Sonic fans will have to buy the wii.
Flamic said:
Sonic next-gen will never be on the Wii. I'm tired of people saying that.
Sonic Fan said:
Hey, a man can dream.
rouge said:
Hey guys doesnt anyone read magazines or articles! *sigh* I guess not. I've read this whole conversation through and here's the truth about the characters. Sega wanted to impress the public because SA2B and Sonic Riders according to the reviews were a failure. They thought when were we really popular? When it was just Sonic, no other "added" characters. They wanted to make something unique, no awful cutscenes, classic but modern. The wii was coming out. This was Sega's chance to release something good. A good story, good graphics and one, just one great character. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe there are more characters. But how come there are no screenshots, no news just classic Sonic.
Riley said:
But most people like the other characters like Tails, Knuckles and Shadow. If you take them away a lot of fans won't buy it. I say keep all the characters from Sonic Adventure 2 and get rid of the others like the Babylon rouges for example and Cream, Big and Omega.
wii-mote dude said:
Please don't let there be robots in this one. Let there be more aliens!
Hey said:
There are Robots.
ganondorfrules said:
I wonder if they will eventually make a game all about Tails and then one all about Knuckles and another about Shadow. That would be awesome because then you can experience the characters at full length.
Sonic The Hedgehog said:
Did you miss me? Well I'm back, I just got through celebrating my birthday in China. So I just thought I'd check out WiisWorld and see what's up. Boy I'm hungry, Tails. Get me a chilli dog!
Knuckles said:
Sonic will you just stop talking on these blasted forums! Seriously, Sega said not to reveal anything. We have to stay quiet! Oh and Tails get me a lemonade or something I'm thirsty.
Amy Rose said:
This game is cool (I played it yesterday!). I was thinking about me having my own game. Wouldn't that be cool! Well, I know I got fans.
wii-mote dude said:
Ooh cool, Tails is a butler now. Get me a sandwich!
quartzlcc said:
This is supposedly (someone at Sonic Team said so) a stand-alone SONIC game, though other characters will appear but not be playable. Yay for some of you, but sad for those of you who like Tails.
Pit said:
*shoots all the other characters in the head with an arrow* Ok, honestly I hope you all shut up now. I totally deserve a new game just for shutting all these douchebag characters up. I'm counting on you Nintendo. Let's go, Medusa!
Sonic The Hedgehog said:
Knuckles, you forgot to put "The Echidna" after your name. I bet you didn't have enough room to put it, but it's still ok. Amy, why would you want your own game? I mean I understand you want to be with me, but I'm to busy with my adventures. Tails you are not a butler OK, and this chilli dog is delicious.
Tails The Fox said:
Sonic I don't mind you asking for stuff like that, as long as you keep taking me on adventures.
Knuckles said:
And if you don't mind Sonic, try not to drag me on your adventures all the time. I have an emerald to guard you know and taking me on a scavenger hunt for chaos emeralds is getting way to repetetive. Oh and before I go *pulls arrow out of head and jabs it into Pit's heart*. My work here is done.
House1 said:
Personally, I reckon this Sonic game will be good. 1 Player is alright, as long as it's got Sonic in it. That's the main point of the game.
DarkVic said:
The previous sonic games were a bit off, hopefully this one will live up to the blue guy.
kiki itachi said:
Hey Sonic, I think Sonic Adventure 2 Battle should be a movie, it has a good dialogue and plot.
DarkVic said:
Who the hell would make a movie about a blue hedgehog that lives in another dimension and has a friend that's a twin-tailed fox?
WiiFan15 said:
Uwe Boll would, the guy that butchered Bloodrayne, Doom and has unfortunately bought the movie rights to Far Cry. At least he didn't get Halo, Splinter Cell or Metal Gear Solid which are all being made into movies and could hopefully become some of the first decent video game movies. Of course they're not going to win any awards but hopefully they will be good quality.
Splintercell4ever said:
How does this have more posts than LoZTP?
DarkVic, the same people who made the Sonic cartoon series (that was pretty funny actually).
Captain Jamesman said:
Did you see that there will be more than Arabian levels? In fact, there will be a level where you're at the time of dinosaurs!
FoolKilla said:
Sonic WildFire... Sonic & the Secret Rings. Why would they do that?
DarkVic said:
I don't care what anyone says, this game looks great and I'm going to get it right when it comes out. Who cares if you can only move left and right? The Wii-mote is used as a steering wheel! That is pretty innovative. Anyways, this was created by Sega and I'm sure everyone knows that they're going to deliver Nintendo a great game, even though it's not next gen!
singapore_meh said:
Does anyone else miss the good ol' STH 3 days. When it was just Sonic. And Tails was there, so if you had an extra controller, one of your friends could play with you, and even though he sucked it wouldn't mess you up.
DarkVic said:
That was years ago. I'm sure everyone misses the good ol' days but this is the new generation, and hey, with the wii's virtual console you can relive that generation!
Pikaluk said:
Do you get Chaos in this game?
Wii Monster said:
I am a Sonic fan and this game looks so cool. I am going to try and buy a Wii the day it comes out and my first game would probably be this one!
Captain Jamesman said:
I loved playing Sonic 3. It was interesting and it had cool features. I remembered playing Ice Cap Zone, it's my favorite zone. I have HIGH hopes for this game!
BrothaZ said:
"Sonic and the SECRET RINGS"?. Okay then. What about Sonic Adventure 3 Battle? That would pwn, plus THEY BETTER HAVE CHAO!
Captain Jamesman said:
What sucks about this game is that you only play as Sonic! But I'll still get it!
Sonic Fan said:
I don't care how hard the controllers are for the gameplay. I just want to play this one. I've beaten every Sonic game there was on the GameCube (I'm not counting Sonic Mega Collection or Sonic Gems Collection) and I've gotten full completion on Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Riders!
Sonic Fan said:
Hi Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy! How are you guys? I need to ask you something about your new game? What's the story to this? Also I believe you guys are real! For the disbelievers that's them. And what's Dr.Eggman up to? Plus, what do you think Eggmena is doing now?
Sonic Fan said:
Hey, Shadow the Hedgehog did not suck! I've gotten full completion on it. All rank A's most of the storylines.
Sonic said:
The game's about a magical genie who comes out of the book arabian nights. The last pages of the book have gone, so the genie is asking me to help him retrieve them. Unfortunately, Eggman won't play a role in this. I'm coming Tails!
floopy doop said:
Sonic is my #2 greatest character. This will be awesome!
Sonic Fan said:
I wonder how come Eggman isn't in this?
Becky said:
This game looks great, I hope they have chao world.
Well this game looks good but I think its playing technique looks horrible, but I'm still going to look forward to trying it.
Sonic Fan said:
Is there a chao garden like in the Sonic Adventure series?
DarkVic said:
I read the review of the next-gen sonic game for the 360. The game got a horrible 4.4! Obviously Sega has made another flop, hopefully they don't screw this game up.
Crimson Demon said:
You guys Shadow isn't that bad. And he's not gothic. Don't knock him till you try him OK! Aside from that I give the game a 8.5, and the graphics look high tech.
Captain Jamesman said:
It's been a long while since Sonic went on his own adventure. Have you guys played Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis on GBA yet? It's better than the original and it has better music!
Sonic Fan said:
Shadow killer, you can burn in Hell! Shadow rocks! And as for Eggman, yeah he's annoying but he is good in a way. But still, that does not mean you go around and saying that Shadow sucks!
Crimson Hawk said:
Have you guys even tried Shadow? He is not bad. The next person who says Shadow stinks I will choke them. By the way I changed my name from Crimson Demon to Crimson Hawk. I wonder who the Silver hedgehog is, anyone know who he is? The game looks awesome. I wonder what new kind of machines Egg Man has so I can kick their butts in the game.
Sonic Fan said:
Silver lives light years away from the future where psychic abilities are the norm. The happy people of his planet are very powerful and they regularly move objects with their minds using telekinetic powers. One day, Silver witnesses the start of a cataclysmic event that will surely wipe out his entire planet. Without hesitation, he races back in time to stop the Iblis Trigger. With the very future in his hands, he will use all his power to stop the evil-doer. I got this from the Sonic the Hedgehog website. Eggman won't be in the Secret Rings.