Published by Sega, Developed by High Voltage
Genres: FPS
US release date: Jun 23rd, 2009 | EU release date: -
The Conduit has been touted up as the definitive FPS exclusive to the Wii. It has gotten much press coverage and has left many Wii owners drooling on their laptops. But hype aside, The Conduit has finally hit store shelves and is ready to be taken in by the consumer, but is full review
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spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
Monkeylemur said:
Does this mean anything? Could this mean that they have found a publisher? I hope so, all of my friends hope so too. This game looks very promising.
wiiboy101 said:
There's even rumor it's Nintendo publishing it. I doubt it, but possible. Online confirmed and graphics are not anything like finished customizable controls and tight fps aiming, let's hope high voltage can deliver.
ToTaLgAmEr said:
Can't wait to try this and call of duty 5.
Nintendoof said:
Looks a lot like Half Life to me, but I hope I'm wrong.
Son Ninja said:
This game will be the next Metroid Prime/Perfect Dark for the Wii.
fpsPRO said:
Yes it is a HL clone but with awesome graphics and a thrilling story (I have a friend that works in HVS and passed me out some videos and the history).
wii r brawling said:
Me wantie.
Black*Zero said:
This game looks very promising, and I am almost sure that this game will give Wii some FPS fame. I mean surely many fps developers will change their mind and release their best on Wii, well I hope so.
rygar said:
This game looks incredible but I hope it's rated T so I can get it.
ozl said:
Hope it's M rated so that it can be a better experience.
Nintenjosh said:
Finnaly! Us Wii gamers' answer to Halo and Half-life.
Sanity said:
Cool can't wait to see the whole thing. I wonder what the sniper rifle will look like.
Sane said:
Looks great, just like a Halo or Metroid clone, but I have never played those games more than a few times so I am glad this is coming out. Looks a lot darker than Metroid too.
Franco said:
This looks like the best fps game for Wii, can't wait to play it.
Budro said:
Looks like Sega is going to be publishing this gem.
conduit-kid said:
God damn it, I knew it was going to be postponed.
SupermarioJorn said:
At last, a good game with good graphics for the Wii. I'm going to buy it and I recommend you do also.
AlbanianInfadel said:
I've been looking for an FPS human V alien Wii game. This is my answer.
AlbanianInfadel said:
I simply can't wait.
gamer guru said:
FINALLY! A good FPS for the Wii.
YoshLee said:
Gamer guru: Although I believe the Wii is lacking good FPS games there's always Metroid Prime 3.
Iknowyou said:
This game will be awesome, plus the wiispeak option adds a great ability to now talk to your friends on the same team as you. This can help a lot.
gamer guru said:
Going to be AWESOME.
conduit pwner said:
I beat this game already, you have to buy it, it's the best Wii game I have ever played.
xAUDIOx said:
I beat it too. It's easy, but still a great game and the online is a lot of fun.
oblivion said:
God I can't find this answer out: does a headset for xbox or something work for this game? A guy on youtube said it did but I'm not sure.
denreaper said:
To everyone saying it's a HL clone, like HL is a bad thing, go to hell.
Michael said:
Yes finally a good first person shooter for Wii! Now I don't have to buy a xbox 360 or ps3 to play good first person shooters.
dude said:
I love fps games, I hope they make more for Wii.
Parvin said:
Oblivion: xbox head sets don't work with any games on the Wii. Unless what you mean is playing online with your friends (and all your friends have xbox live as well as Nintendo wfc) and then talking to them on that, that could work but not done a lot.
fork said:
Does it support Wii Speak?
FlipOut said:
@obliviona and parvin: Wii has a headset.