female condom (Q864088)
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type of barrier contraceptive
- femidom
- internal condom
- vaginal condom
- single-use internal condom
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
default for all languages | No label defined |
English | female condom |
type of barrier contraceptive |
Condoms, Female
A soft, loose-fitting polyurethane sheath, closed at one end, with flexible rings at both ends. The device is inserted into the vagina by compressing the inner ring and pushing it in. Properly positioned, the ring at the closed end covers the cervix, and the sheath lines the walls of the vagina. The outer ring remains outside the vagina, covering the labia. (English)
0 references
vaginal condom
A condom that is worn internally within the vagina to prevent exposure to ejaculated semen or other body fluids. (English)
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1 reference
1 reference
Wikipedia(41 entries)
- arwiki واق أنثوي
- arzwiki واقى انثوى
- azwiki Qadın prezervativi
- bclwiki Pambabaying kondom
- bgwiki Дамски презерватив
- bnwiki মহিলাদের কনডম
- cawiki Preservatiu femení
- cywiki Condom benyw
- dawiki Femidom
- dewiki Femidom
- diqwiki Femidom
- enwiki Female condom
- eowiki Ina kondomo
- eswiki Preservativo femenino
- euwiki Emakumeen preserbatibo
- fawiki کاندوم زنانه
- glwiki Preservativo feminino
- hewiki קונדום נשי
- hywiki Կանացի պահպանակ
- idwiki Kondom perempuan
- itwiki Profilattico femminile
- mlwiki സ്ത്രീകൾക്കുള്ള കോണ്ടം
- mswiki Kondom wanita
- mywiki အမျိုးသမီးသုံး ကွန်ဒုံး
- newiki महिला ढाल
- nlwiki Vrouwencondoom
- nowiki Femidom
- orwiki ମହିଳା କଣ୍ଡୋମ
- plwiki Kobiecy kondom
- ptwiki Preservativo feminino
- ruwiki Женский презерватив
- srwiki Женски кондом
- svwiki Femidom
- swwiki Kondomu ya kike
- thwiki ถุงยางอนามัยสตรี
- tlwiki Pambabaeng kondom
- trwiki Femidom
- ukwiki Жіночий презерватив
- urwiki نسوانی کنڈوم
- viwiki Bao cao su nữ
- zhwiki 女用安全套
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- commonswiki Category:Female condoms