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Autodescription — socken (Q60495698)

description: type of parish in Scandinavian countries
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Maybe I simply do not understand the concept, but for sure I do not understand this item. I came to it while looking up the danish article da:Sogn and clicking on the german interwiki-link which led me to the german article de:Socken (Kirchspiel). I thought, this must be an error, because there is a german article de:Sogn (Dänemark) which covers exactly the same topic as da:Sogn. While trying to fix that "error" I found out that the wikidata-item is "socken - type of parish in Scandinavian countries". The corresponding item in the german wikipedia is "socken - Kirchspiele in Schweden und Finnland" which translates to "socken - parishes in Sweden and Finland". That is correct because the german word for "parish" is "Kirchspiel" an this translates to "socken" for finish and swedish. But the danish word for "parish" is "sogn", not "socken". So - as far as Danmark belongs to Scandinavia - "socken" is NOT a "type of parish in Scandinavian countries" but a (type of) "parish[es] in Sweden and Finland".

And AFAICS the german interwiki-link in the danish article Sogn should lead either to the german article de:Kirchspiel (which means "parish[es]" all over the world), or to the german article de:Sogn (Dänemark) (which describes parishes in Danmark), but not to an artice about parishes in Sweden and Finland.

I hope I could make myself clear. I apologize for my bad english, but I am not a native speaker and I am out of school for more than 40 years. Best regards -- M.ottenbruch (talk) 15:46, 25 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]

@M.ottenbruch: Danke für den Hinweis. Hier muss auf jeden Fall irgendwann etwas falsch gelaufen sein. Ich werde mal versuchen die falschen Bearbeitungen rückgängig zu machen. Du kannst danach gerne nochmal drüber schauen, ob alles richtig ist. --Gymnicus (talk) 22:26, 25 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Ich habe mir es doch noch mal kurz angeschaut und bin mir nicht mehr sicher, ob es wirklich falsch gelöst ist. Der Artikel Sogn (Dänemark) ist mit einem anderen Datenobjekt (parish of Denmark (Q814648)) verbunden und dieses Datenobjekt ist auch mit dem dänischen Artikel Sogne i Danmark verbunden. --Gymnicus (talk) 22:37, 25 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@M.ottenbruch, Gymnicus: Please note that to me, even though it almost exclusively discusses Danish parishes, the danish article Sogn to me appears to be intended to cover parishes in general. Please also note that there's no interwiki-link in Sogn. It's linked to the German article etc exclusively via wikidata.--Hjart (talk) 22:46, 25 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Hjart, Gymnicus: That is exactly my problem: "the danish article Sogn to me appears to be intended to cover parishes in general", so it should be linked to de:Kirchspiel. I am not disturbed by the links of de:Sogn (Dänemark) or by those of da:Sogne i Danmark, but by those of da:Sogn. The latter doesn't link to de:Kirchspiel - as a matter of fact de:Kirchspiel doesn't have any IL to danish or english - but to the swedish word. --- M.ottenbruch (talk) 01:02, 26 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]