Wikidata:Status updates/2012 09 07

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This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2012-09-07.


  • Anja Jentzsch joins the team
  • Worked on sorting for site-links table on item pages; enhanced some code in MediaWiki core for that
  • Fixed issue with aliases breaking grid layout of item pages
  • Worked on fixing issues for right-to-left languages in site-links user interface
  • Worked on new SpecialPage to create new items
  • Two new fancy Special pages appeared: ItemDisambiguation (lets you search for all items that have a given label or alias) and ItemByTitle (gives you the ID of the item that is connected to a given Wikipedia page)
  • Gave an introduction on Selenium testing to the team
  • Added Selenium tests for undelete & conflicts on undeletion
  • Added Selenium HowTo to meta wiki
  • Part of the team participated in the bug-triage on Wednesday
  • Final preparations to move site code into MediaWiki core
  • Preliminary work on data value implementations
  • Additional work on edit conflicts and permissions
  • Updates to the input json form to wbsetitem
  • Fixing some issues with failing site-links
  • More than 50 aliases in one language for an item should now work (previously more than 50 failed in an ugly way due to an API limit)
  • Updated demo repo and client

See current sprint items for what we’re working on next.

You can follow Template:Wdchanges and view the subset Template:Wdreview.


  • Wikidata and ISO standards



see Events

  • WikiCon
  • office hours (de en)
  • ongoing: State of the Map
  • upcoming: Health 2.0 Berlin meetup
  • upcoming: Software Freedom Day Hamburg

Other Noteworthy Stuff


Open Tasks for You


(Ping Lydia if you’re looking for something else.)

Anything to add? Please share! :)