Reclaim. Revive. Renew.

It's time for The United Methodist Church to have a new conversation. 

In a “Mid-term State of The United Methodist Church Address” on March 2, 2023, Bishop Thomas J. Bickerton, president of the Council of Bishops, called members to “be the architects of a renewedrevived and reclaimed United Methodist Church.”

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What does it mean to you to be United Methodist? To #BeUMC?



“Because we are the temple of the living God. Just as God said, I live with them, and I will move among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people.”
- 2 Corinthians 6:16 CEB

#BeUMC honors the core values that connect the people of The United Methodist Church. No matter the challenges we face, God is with us, and we continue to have opportunities to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!

It's a chance for us to embrace our Wesleyan heritage and envision a promising future. Every day offers a chance to live into our mission and to strive to #BeUMC.

This grassroots effort, built upon powerful stories of congregations and people living their faith, celebrates what draws us to The United Methodist Church and what we aspire to be.

Adam Hamilton Responds to Rob Renfroe’s Videos about the UMC - #ProudtobeUMC

In the summer of 2022, Rob Renfroe, President and Publisher of Good News Magazine, released a series of 6 videos in which he made the case for why United Methodists should leave the UMC to join the newly formed Global Methodist Church. Many United Methodists have watched those videos and asked, “Is this really true?”  We don’t doubt that Rob Renfroe believes what he says, but most United Methodists have a very different perspective from his.  

Recently, Adam Hamilton, Senior Pastor of the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection, the denomination’s largest church, watched each of Renfroe’s videos and took a few minutes to respond to each.  We hope these are helpful for you and your congregation.  If you find them helpful, please share freely with other United Methodists.

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Our Bishops and #BeUMC

The #BeUMC campaign is consistent with our United Methodist Bishops’ “A Narrative for the Continuing United Methodist Church,” adopted in November 2021. Together we share our excitement, enthusiasm and hopes for the future of The United Methodist Church.


The hashtag, #BeUMC, invites us to not only embody these values but to actively embrace our aspirations and be the church our world so desperately needs.

The coordinated campaign asks us to share our message from a positive point of view.  And, it uses four pillars to do that:


First and foremost, we are dedicated to the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world in the tradition of John Wesley.

We live out this key theme through the set of core values below. Highlight the core values on social media, in worship and in other communications with the help of downloadable resources.

Belonging and Inclusion:

All belong and will be loved in The UMC. All will be heard, respected and engaged. All will be free to develop their personal relationship with God and to serve fully in the ministry of Jesus Christ.

Influence, Connection and Impact in the World: 

With more than 12 million members across the globe, we are a powerful connection, living and sharing the grace of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.

We are committed to work for global health, education, creation care, child welfare, disaster recovery and countless other efforts.

Experience God through the UMC: 

We embrace a Church where we experience our triune God in personal and community relationships, transforming our own lives, the lives around us, and the entire world.

Churches can access tools and details at ResourceUMC.org/BeUMC.