Era of Excess
The ’80s was a decade full of change, new technologies and unrestrained optimism about what the future would hold.
As disco went out of fashion, electronic dance and modern rock took over the pop culture scene.
The CD
The compact disc was launched in 1982 and made a groundbreaking entry in audio technology that set a new standard for digital storage and playback, replacing traditional vinyl records and cassette tapes. In 1984 the Discman was introduced, a device that not only revolutionized music consumption but also paved the way for continuous evolution.
Game Changer
In a transformative era where hardware, software and gaming converged, the Macintosh debut broadened computer accessibility, complemented by the launch of Paint and iconic nostalgic games like Minesweeper and Tetris. Furthermore, the Nintendo Entertainment System revitalized the video game market and shaped the future with titles like Super Mario Bros.
Video Revolution
In the 1980s, music industry witnessed a transformative era in visual storytelling with the rise of video clips.
Phone Revolution
The development of
the mobile phone marked
a significant shift in
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