SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WV News) — The West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (WVDNR) has announced preliminary harvest numbers for the state’s buck firearms season.
According to data collected through the WVDNR’s electronic game check system, hunters in West Virginia harvested 41,090 antlered deer during the state’s two-week buck firearms season, which ran from Nov. 25 to Dec. 8.
The 2024 total harvest is slightly below the five-year average of 43,143.
The top 10 counties for the 2024 buck harvest were Greenbrier (1,742), Randolph (1,564), Preston (1,557), Pendleton (1,317), Jackson (1,277), Pocahontas (1,259), Ritchie (1,219), Hampshire (1,218), Hardy (1,178) and Grant (1,169).
Several counties saw an increase in buck firearms season harvests compared to 2023, including Barbour, Cabell, Doddridge, Hancock, Hampshire, Jackson, Mason, Mineral, Morgan, Pocahontas, Preston, Putnam, Ritchie, Tucker, Tyler, Upshur, Webster, Wetzel, and Wood counties.
The WVDNR reminds hunters that the Mountaineer Heritage Season for deer, bear, and turkey will take place from Jan. 9-12. This special season offers hunters an additional opportunity to pursue big game while celebrating the outdoor traditions that have shaped West Virginia’s culture and history. The season is open statewide in all 55 counties.
Hunters may only use primitive-style weapons, such as longbows, recurve bows, and muzzleloading black powder rifles or pistols with flint-lock or percussion cap actions. In Logan, McDowell, Mingo, and Wyoming counties, only longbows and recurve bows are permitted. Modern muzzleloaders equipped with scopes are prohibited statewide during this season.
For more information on Mountaineer Heritage Season and other hunting opportunities, hunters are encouraged to consult the 2024–2025 Hunting and Trapping Regulations Summary, available at
Hunters who harvested a buck during a 2024 deer hunting season are also reminded to submit their photos by Jan. 10 for a chance to win prizes in the state’s fourth annual Big Buck Photo Contest.
The contest is open to West Virginia residents and nonresidents and includes a youth division for hunters 17 and younger and an adult division for hunters 18 and older. To be eligible, participants are required to have a valid West Virginia hunting license and provide the 13-digit WVDNR-issued game check number for their buck.
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