CHARLESTON, W.Va. — West Virginia organizations are joining forces once again for the second annual Cover WV Day, a statewide initiative to assist uninsured residents in enrolling for health coverage. Set for January 7, the event aims to raise awareness about health insurance options and provide free enrollment assistance at over 40 locations across the state.
More than 20 organizations, including the West Virginia Primary Care Association, WV Navigator Program, WV Office of the Insurance Commissioner, and numerous community health centers, will participate. Certified Assisters, including Health Insurance Navigators, Certified Application Counselors, and Enrollment Assistance Program staff, will offer free help with Medicaid, CHIP, and Health Insurance Marketplace enrollments.
Event locations will be open for walk-ins from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., giving West Virginians an opportunity to get guidance before the January 15 Open Enrollment deadline for the 2025 Health Insurance Marketplace.
According to organizers, more than 100,000 West Virginians—about 5.9% of the state’s population—lack health insurance. Programs like WV Medicaid and the Health Insurance Marketplace offer options for those without coverage, with many plans starting at less than $10 per month.
“This will be the second annual Cover WV Day, and we couldn’t be more excited to get out there and help people all over the state again,” said Jeremy Smith, WV Navigator Program Director and event organizer. “For people that may be going uninsured, we are urging them to look at the new plans and prices released this year. The plans are often more affordable than we have ever seen.”
Smith emphasized the importance of seeking help with enrollment, as many find the process overwhelming or are unaware of how to identify affordable coverage.
“With so many experts partnering all over the state, we are hopeful that anyone who has questions or needs help will be able to get what they need by showing up to a Cover WV Day location,” Smith added.
For more information, including a list of event locations, visit
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